
  1. 请把那包东西[那几张画;我的帽子]递给我。

    Please hand me that parcel [ those pictures ; my cap ] .

  2. 哎呀,这张画怎么弄脏了?

    Oh my ! The picture 's got dirty !

  3. 我们可用胶水把这几张画粘贴在书里。

    We can stick these pictures into the book with gum .

  4. 墙上挂的两张画应该取平。

    The two pictures on the wall must be aligned .

  5. 这张画美就美在色调均匀。

    The beauty of this picture consists in its balance of colours .

  6. 他注视着那张画。

    He bent his eyes on that picture .

  7. 这张画是谁送给你的?

    Who gave you the picture ?

  8. 这张画是赝品。

    The painting was a forgery .

  9. 我根本没想到墙上有张画

    I never dreamed of there being a picture on the wall .

  10. 这张画经过润色,色调明朗了一些。

    The portrait was touched up so as to make it lighter .

  11. 对我来说,查顿庄园的瑰宝是挂在昔日女士休息厅里的一张画。那是一张1780年的水粉画,作者亚当·卡伦德(AdamCallender),画的是庄园对面的一座房屋。

    The gem of Chawton House for me is a painting hanging in the former " Ladies Withdrawing Room . " The 1780 gouache by Adam Callender shows the house from across the park .

  12. 本来这张画并没有名字,在1934年,艺术史家帕诺夫斯基(ErwinPanofsky)根据16世纪的著录,将作品定名为“阿尔诺菲尼的婚礼”,本画目前藏于伦敦国家美术馆。

    " The Arnolfini Marriage " is a name that has been given to this untitled double portrait by Erwin Panofsky according to a16th 's writting in1934 , now in the National Gallery , London .

  13. 这样让整张画有了些温暖和潮湿的感觉。

    This gave a warm and moist feeling to the picture .

  14. 那两张画被重叠在一起。

    The two pictures are made to lap over each other .

  15. 你又把那张画下来了,是吗?

    You tore off that picture again , didn 't you ?

  16. 你喜欢这张画,不是吗?

    Exp : You like this picture , don 't you ?

  17. 那幅画与原本很像。这张画与原本不甚相似。

    This picture does not agree very well with the original .

  18. 就是那张画着女王的紫色的玩意儿。

    It 's the purple thing with the queen on it .

  19. 咱邀请她给咱们画张画吧!

    Let 's invite her to draw a picture for us .

  20. 来吧,大家不要弄丢一张画。

    Come on girls , we can 't lose one single paper .

  21. 这张画还没付钱给我呢。

    I have not yet been paid for the painting .

  22. 匈牙利警方认为5张画都是假的。

    Hungarian police assumed all five canvases were a fake .

  23. 我想这张画挂在对面墙上的话看起来会好些。

    I think the picture would look better on the opposite wall .

  24. 我花了两天时间画这张画。

    It takes me two days to draw the picture .

  25. 把你的一张画给我看一下,孩子。

    Show me one of your paintings , chameleon child .

  26. 咱们把报上的这张画剪下来。

    Let 's cut the picture out of the newspaper .

  27. 我没有必要给你画一张画。

    I don 't have to draw you a picture .

  28. 两张画上,都是一个本地老师或演讲者,鼓励年轻的人们。

    Both show a local teacher or speaker inspiring groups of youth .

  29. 你画像周围那圈栅栏让整张画更好看了。

    That rail fence around your picture makes it look very pretty .

  30. 你喜欢墙壁上挂一张画吗?

    Would you like there to be a picture on the wall ?