
  1. 妇女能顶半边天。

    Women hold up half the sky .

  2. 妇女能顶半边天:一个有四种说法的故事

    Four Interpretations for the Slogan " Women Hold up Half the Sky "

  3. 我国素有“妇女能顶半边天”之语。

    In China , we say women " hold up half the sky . "

  4. 男尊女卑,在这个妇女能顶半边天的时代里,这个词显得那么地格格不入。

    Male superiority seems so out of place in this age , when women are said to hold up half of the sky .

  5. 所以,对她来说,重要的事情就是传递出妇女能顶半边天这种信息&当时她身边一些女性还没有接受这种观点。

    So , the important thing for her is to deliver the message that sisterhood is powerful & a memo some of the women around her have yet to receive .

  6. 中国有句话叫妇女能顶半边天,这个说法被世界各地广为引用。女性在中国历史上及现在都扮演着特殊的角色。

    As the Chinese proverb holds & " women hold up half the sky . " This is quoted all over the world and women have a special role in China 's history and present .

  7. 中国有句话“妇女能顶半边天”,这意味着妇女在国家发展中的贡献一点都不小,因此,女性充分感到自己生活幸福对社会发展而言举足轻重。

    A Chinese saying states " women hold up half the sky , " meaning the development of a country cannot survive without the contribution of women . Not surprisingly the happiness women feel about their lives is hugely important to a society 's happiness .