
  1. 第五部分讨论军事题材电视剧存在的问题。

    Part V of the military television problems .

  2. 艾瑞克·霍恩军事题材的游戏今年仍然火爆。

    Also hot this year , military games .

  3. 在这期间,军事题材电视剧有过繁荣,也有过衰落。

    During this period , military television had prosperity , but also had a decline .

  4. 罗马帝国的军事题材艺术

    Military Art of Roman Empire

  5. 新世纪;军事题材;电视剧创作;繁荣;大众文化;主旋律;

    New century ; the military theme ; TV drama creation ; prosperity ; popular culture ; the mainstream ;

  6. 为了更好的对比研究,笔者还对军事题材电视剧发展历程做了梳理。

    In order to better compare and study military theme teleplays , the author also hackles their development history .

  7. 本文希望能对军事题材电视剧发展的未来之路有所启示。

    This article hoped that can road which of the future develops to military theme soap opera have the enlightenment .

  8. 谈谈本色英雄形象塑造&以当代军事题材小说为例

    What is Said Distinctive Character Hero Molds at the Form & Takes the current military theme story as the instance

  9. 本文主要研究了进入新世纪以来的军事题材电视剧,它占据着当下电视荧屏的半壁江山。

    This paper mainly studies military theme teleplays in the new century , which occupy half of the present television screens .

  10. 正是基于军事题材电视剧体现了某种真实感,所以才会为观众所喜爱。

    It is based on military television show that reflects a sense of reality , it will be loved by the audience .

  11. 现在,军事题材的很多文学作品和电影已经在一定程度上受到了学术界的关注和研究。

    Now , many of the military theme of literary works and films have to some extent by the academic attention and study .

  12. 军事题材的民间狂欢&电视连续剧《历史的天空》、《亮剑》的创作特点分析

    A Folk Carnival of Military Subject & An Analysis on the Artistic Technique of TV Serials Historical Sky and Challenging by Showing Sword

  13. 论述了《绝望中诞生》不仅是一篇军事题材小说,更是一篇优秀的科幻小说,具有鲜明的科学性和幻想性。

    Bear in Despair is not only a military novel , but also an excellent science fiction , possessing obvious science and prominent fantasy .

  14. 军事题材电视剧在我国存在已久,在影视界也一直占有重要的地位。

    Military television show there has been a long time in our country , in film and television industry has always played an important role .

  15. 军事题材艺术既起到了无形的军事教育作用,又具有极高的艺术审美价值。

    Martial art sings war 's praises and prettifies brutal martial conquer . Military art not only invisibly offer martial education but also possesses high aesthetic value .

  16. 在战后拍摄的抗战题材电影中,以反映战时间谍战和社会生活题材的影片为主,基本没有反映抗战军事题材的影片。

    Among the films shot just after the war , most of them reflected spy theme and social life in the war time , but none reflected military theme .

  17. 第四部分从叙事策略的改变、爱情模式的转变、现代科技的注入等方面分析军事题材电视剧创作理念之嬗变。

    The fourth part from the narrative strategy of change , love the transformation into other aspects of modern science and technology of military television creative concept of evolution .

  18. 本文以新世纪军事题材影视剧中的女性形象为研究对象,从她们的的类型和特质、审美构建以及女性形象嬗变的原因与创作局限来审视中国新世纪以来的军事题材影视剧。

    Female images in military Movies and TV drama are discussed in terms of their type , nature , aesthetic shaping , the reason for transmutations and the creators ' limitations .

  19. 散文以军事题材创作和乡土散文为主,并逐渐实现内容的多样化,出现了很多情感真挚、寓意深远的散文作品。

    The prose mainly included the military topics and local prose writing , and gradually reflected the diversity of life , there has been a lot of emotional sincerity meaningful prose works .

  20. 电视荧幕上,《士兵突击》、《我的团长我的团》等军旅剧都曾大获成功,然而中国电影银幕上却鲜有叫座的现代军事题材作品。

    While TV dramas like Soldiers ' Sortie and My Chief and My Regiment have won big success on the small screen , we seldom see hit Chinese films about modern military warfare .

  21. 到较早就能分辨是非骗子。在我小学两年级的时候,受到父亲的影响,总爱跟着看一些军事题材的战争片及相关信息。

    At my primary school grade two of time , be subjected to a father of influence , total love to follow to see some war movie of military topic and related information .

  22. 随着时代的迅速发展以及军事题材影视作品的大量涌现,大量军事用语突破其原有的语用范围泛化到其他的非军事领域中来,语义也随之发生转化。

    With the rapid development of age and the large emergence of military films , a lot of military words have entered other fields by breaking through their original pragmatic scope and gotten new meanings .

  23. 作为典型的主导文化电视剧的军事题材电视剧,自改革开放以来,一直保持着稳定的创作数量,近些年来,其创作势头更加旺盛,形式和内容也更趋多样化。

    Since the reform and open policy , military play has been maintaining stable creation quantity , Recent year , its creation tendency is more exuberant , the form and the content also hasten the diversification .

  24. 中国不乏战争片。《金刚川》却另辟蹊径,没有像以往军事题材影片一样,着眼于重大历史事件或是历史中的风云人物,却将镜头对准了普通士兵,记录下他们以血肉之躯守住那座桥。

    Unlike most previous domestic war-themed films that chronicle milestone incidents or highlight historic figures , the feature is quite unlikely to turn the lens to ordinary soldiers who sacrificed their lives to defend a bridge .

  25. 此时的军事题材电视剧不仅仅是反映战争,而且出现了各种各样的从不同角度表现军队生活以及军中传奇的英雄人物的作品。

    At this time the military television show that not only reflect the war , but emerged in the performance of a variety of military life from different angles and the legendary heroes of the military works .

  26. 近年来的军事题材电视剧有一个共同的创作倾向,出现了不同于以往的英雄形象:如充满匪气的草莽英雄。

    In recent years , military television show that created a common tendency , there has been different from the heroic image of the past : such as the hero of the bush is full of Fei Qi .

  27. 《历史的天空》、《亮剑》等电视连续剧在叙述军事题材的故事时,采用民间狂欢的表达方式,塑造了全新的草莽英雄形象,展示了被遮蔽在官方概念之下的民间价值观。

    TV serials , Historical Sky and Challenging by Showing Sword , which portray the new images of greenwood heroes , demonstrate the folk concepts of value covered by the official concept of value before in the revelry expression way .

  28. 自2007年起,一部描写普通士兵成长历程的军事题材电视剧《士兵突击》先后在各级电视台热播,引发了一股收视热潮。

    From 2007 , " Soldiers ' Assault " which is a series of TV plays of military themes describes the ordinary soldiers ' growth course , began broadcasting at all levels broadcaster in succession and aroused a ratings boom .

  29. 第一部分前言,第二部分总结和归纳军事题材电视剧发展的历程,第三部分从英雄主义的消解、人物塑造的突破两方面来谈人物塑造。

    The first part of the preface , the second part of the sum and summary of military television development process , the third part of the digestion from the heroism , characterization of the break to talk about both the characterization .

  30. 新世纪以来军事题材影视作品都备受广大观众和影视剧创作者的青睐,作品中女性形象也随之越来越多,她们频频亮相给广大观众带来丰富的视听享受和审美震撼。

    Military Movies and TV have been being thought highly and loved by audiences since the new century . Meanwhile , the female images have become more and more plentiful , which have brought much seeing and hearing enjoyment and shake to spectators .