
  1. 中国古代军旅文学的艺术特点与时代价值

    The Artistic Characteristics and Contemporary Values of Chinese Ancient Military Literature

  2. 新时期军旅文学人性书写的嬗变

    The Transmutation of Humanity Writing in the Military Literature of New Period

  3. 太平盛世何以醉&读朱苏进的《醉太平》兼议军旅文学

    Where to Drunk in Millenarianism & Read ZHU Su-jin 's Drunk in Peace and Tranquility and Discuss Army Literature

  4. 用人性意识超越战争意识是军旅文学的终极目的,也是军旅文学永久的魅力。

    It is the ultimate aim and over lasting charm of the military literature to let the humanity consciousness surpass war consciousness .

  5. 第二部分主要分析九十年代军旅文学中的英雄形象塑造的背景。

    In the second part it mainly analyzes the background of figuring the hero image in the armies literature in 1990s ' .

  6. 文章认为军旅文学是对军事文学的继承和发展,所以有必要对军事文学进行分析。

    The paper thinks armies literature succeeds and develop the military literature , so it is necessary to analyze the military literature .

  7. 在当代文学的格局中,军旅文学的影视化的主要内容是以军旅生活、军人形为主要表现对象的影视作品。

    In contemporary Chinese literature , the military literature film adaptations mainly aim at such works as showing military life and portraying soldier image .

  8. 阐述了中国古代军旅文学的概念与内涵,分析了中国古代军旅文学的特点与美学风格,论述了中国古代军旅文学的时代价值。

    Aiming at the Chinese ancient military literature , the concept and inbeing were clarified , the characteristic and aesthetic styles analyzed , and contemporary value discussed .

  9. 一个时期的军旅文学是那个时期军事文化观的具体体现,同时也是一个国家、民族特定的军事文化观的体现。

    The military novels of an period is the concrete embodiment of military culture at that time , and is the embodiment of military culture conception specialized by a country and a nation .

  10. 战争是军旅文学一个重要的主题,军旅小说虽然以战争作为自己的传达对象,但它终究不是战争学,而是一种倾向人学的艺术创造。

    Warfare is the important theme of military literature . Though the main subject of the military fictions is warfare , military literature is not the study of warfare , but the artistic creation .

  11. 新军事时代军旅文学所面临的时代课题是:当代军旅文学需要探索在和平时期保持长久魅力的策略或出路,需要在生活中、艺术思维上获得新的创作灵感。

    The new brigade of military age contemporary issues facing the literature is : the contemporary literature to explore brigade in peacetime to maintain the charm of long-term strategy or a way out , the need in life , art of thinking on access to new creative inspiration .

  12. 本论文试图从军旅文学作品中英雄形象塑造这个角度入手,以军旅作家石钟山的系列作品为个案,来观察这种多元语境下军旅文学创作的特点。

    From the angle of figuring hero image in the armies literary works , using the works of Shi Zhong-shan , an armies author , as the example , this paper tries to observe the characteristics of armies literature in this poly-literary circumstances .