
Cáo yú
  • pen name of Wan Jiabao
  1. 奥尼尔与曹禺剧作有许多相似之处。

    There are many similarities between O'neill 's play and Caoyu 's.

  2. 凝重压抑与荒凉悲哀&曹禺、张爱玲家族情结之比较

    A Comparison between CAO Yu and ZHANG Ai-ling 's Family Complex

  3. 曹禺早期话剧受现代主义影响比较明显。

    Cao yu 's early dramas were obviously influenced by modernism .

  4. 莎士比亚戏剧《哈姆雷特》的人文主义特征内在悲剧与外在悲剧的完美融合&比较《哈姆雷特》与《原野》中莎士比亚与曹禺的人性探求

    Humanism Features in Hamlet Perfect Integration of Internal and External Tragedies

  5. 大师曹禺的重庆岁月

    A great master of dramatist & Caoyu 's years in Chongqing

  6. 论曹禺早期创作中的自我影像

    Discuss on the Self-image in the Early Dramas of Cao Yu

  7. 曹禺的话剧是诗与戏剧的结合。

    Caoyu s opera is the combination of poem and drama .

  8. 谈曹禺早期戏剧的原始情结

    On the Original Love in Cao Yu 's Early Dramas

  9. 中国许多剧作家都受过他的影响,曹禺就是其中的一位。

    Many modern Chinese dramatists were influenced by his plays .

  10. 抗争与牺牲的两极&曹禺笔下的女性人物

    Struggle and Sacrifice & Heroines in Cao Yu 's works

  11. 罪恶与人性:曹禺戏剧的原罪原型构成

    The Formation of Sin Prototype in CAO Yu 's Dramas

  12. 曹禺和易卜生戏剧精神内涵的现代性表现

    Modernity of Spiritual Connotation in the Dramas of Cao Yu and Ibsen

  13. 论曹禺对中国现代戏剧理论的贡献

    On Cao Yu 's Contribution to the Theory of Chinese Modern Drama

  14. 浅谈西方文化对曹禺话剧的影响

    The Influence of Western Culture on Cao Yu 's Drama

  15. 人作为永恒的主题,贯穿在曹禺的整个戏剧创作历程中,人物形象内心深处的灵魂被他不断地展现和深入挖掘。

    He continued to show and excavate the innermost soul of characters .

  16. 曹禺剧作诗化特征的流变

    The transformation of poetic feature in Cao yu 's dramas

  17. 论曹禺剧作中的父子关系

    On the relationship between father and son in Cao Yu 's plays

  18. 论曹禺早期剧作的现代意识

    On Modern Consciousness of Cao Yu 's Early Dramas

  19. 试论曹禺早期作品中对革命新生力量的观照&从《雷雨》到《日出》

    Perspective of the Revolutionary Forces nouvelles In Cao Yu s Early Works ;

  20. 曹禺,是我国现代戏剧艺术大师。

    Cao Yu is modern theatre artists in China .

  21. 试论曹禺话剧语言艺术的诗意化与音乐化

    On the Language Art in Cao Yu 's Dramas

  22. 曹禺《雷雨》创作心理简论

    On Cao Yu 's Mentality in Creating The Thunderstorm

  23. 认知隐喻、转喻维度的曹禺戏剧研究

    Metaphoric and Metonymical Dimensions of Cao Yu 's Drama

  24. 论曹禺《雷雨》与古希腊悲剧之因缘

    The predeterminate Relationship of CAO Yu 's Thunder Storm and the Greek tragedies

  25. 曹禺精神痛苦中渗透出的文化批判意识的体现。

    Zeng Wen_qing , the incarnation of ChaoYu 's culture_critical sense from his agony .

  26. 四川本是曹禺最后的改定本,却又不及再版本那样完备。

    The Sichuan edition , revised by Cao Yu , is the last one .

  27. 质疑与辨析&关于曹禺戏剧的现实主义(或社会问题剧)诸评价

    Doubting , Differentiating and Analysing : About Some Evaluation on Cao Yu 's Plays

  28. 基督精神对曹禺早期剧作的影响

    Christian Impact on Cao Yu 's Early Works

  29. 曹禺话剧电视剧改编的叙事研究

    The Study on Narration of the Adapted TV Series from Cao Yu ' Dramas

  30. 在曹禺戏剧中,我们不难发现“疯子”意象的频繁出现。

    The frequent appearance of lunatics can be found easily in dramas of Caoyu .