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  • pantomime;panto
  1. 他目前正在滨海韦斯顿主演圣诞童话剧。

    He is currently starring in pantomime in Weston-super-Mare .

  2. 圣诞童话剧旨在把欢笑带给千千万万的人。

    Pantomime is about bringing laughter to thousands

  3. 在诺丁汉我经历了自己在童话剧演出中最尴尬的时刻之一。

    I had one of my most embarrassing moments in panto in Nottingham .

  4. 她擅长圣诞童话剧演出。

    What she does very well is pantomime

  5. 根据TVGuide报道,CBS电视台已经把凯文·威廉姆森的这部暗黑系童话剧续订了第二季。

    CBS All Access has renewed Kevin Williamson 's dark fairy-tale drama for a second season , TV Guide has learned .

  6. 温莎城堡(WindsorCastle)的展览将于2016年9月举办,展出二战时期伊丽莎白公主出演家庭童话剧时所穿的剧服。此次展览还会展出女王令人炫目的晚礼服和干练的正装。

    The fancy dress costumes worn by the young Princess Elizabeth at wartime family pantomimes will be on show at Windsor Castle from September 2016 alongside dazzling evening gowns and smart official clothes .

  7. 眼巴巴地等候童话剧开演的儿童们。

    Children with expectant faces waiting for the pantomime to start .

  8. 孩子们看了童话剧非常兴奋。

    The children were very excited by the pantomime .

  9. 咱们带孩子去看童话剧吧!

    Let 's take the children to the pantomime !

  10. 春天里的故事(童话剧)预测指标为各自的顶层抗剪强度系数ξ值。

    The shear strength coefficient of yield story is taken as the prediction index .

  11. 英国对她来说是一个新发现,她觉得自己象欣赏童话剧的孩子一样兴奋。

    England was a revelation to her , and she found herself as diverted as a child at a pantomime .

  12. 童话剧为儿童演的一种传统的英国圣诞节娱乐剧,常以幼儿园故事为基础,演员装扮成牲畜进行唱歌、跳舞和表演滑稽剧。

    A traditional British Christmas entertainment for children , usually based on nursery tales and featuring stock characters in costume who sing , dance , and perform skits .

  13. 同时,大多数公司还会献上一部传统的圣诞童话剧—通常是人们反串演绎童话名著。

    Most companies also stage a traditional Christmas pantomime - a performance , usually of a well-known fairy tale , in which men play women and women play men .

  14. 我对圣诞节的最初记忆是硬着头皮观看父亲出演的圣诞童话剧,看到他穿着亮片礼服,粉色高跟鞋,戴着金色的假发,这些记忆永远抹不去。

    One of my first Christmas memories is of being forced to watch my father 's Christmas panto . The sight of him in a sparkly dress , pink high heels and a blonde wig has stayed with me forever .

  15. 展览将展出哪些童话剧服装还尚未可知,但伊丽莎白二世和她的妹妹玛格丽特公主(已过世)幼时曾出演多部童话剧,包括《阿拉丁》和《灰姑娘》。

    It is not known yet which pantomime costumes will be included , but the Queen and her younger sister , the late Princess Margaret , appeared on stage in their youth in a number of shows including Aladdin and Cinderella , where Elizabeth played the role of Prince Florizel .

  16. 后发展出的时装戏、代戏和童话寓言剧,常见的剧目有白毛女、胡兰、灯记等等。

    The later developed fashion dramas , modern dramas and fairy tale drams include White Hair Woman , Liu Hulan , and the Story of the Red Lamp .

  17. 以浓郁童年情结为创作原动力的石天河童话诗和童话剧。

    Shi Tianhe 's poetry and drama of fair tales which is motivated by his childhood complex .

  18. 有许多童话式的电视剧,令观众选择忽视、逃避现实和人心的复杂。

    There are many fairytale-like series that make audiences ignore or avoid reality , and the complexity of humanity .