
  • 网络baby bed;The crib;COT
  1. 在邻居家里,小约翰尼俯身在童床上,摸了摸宝宝的小手。

    At the neighbor 's home , Little Johnny leaned over in the crib and touched the baby 's hand .

  2. 最出色的一张照片是用宝丽来相机拍的一张快照,照片上我们俩躺在童床上。

    The picture that stood out the most was a Polaroid snapshot of the two of us in the crib hugging each other .

  3. 她把婴儿裹好放在童床里小睡一会儿。

    She tucked the baby in his crib for a nap .

  4. 荷兰公布童床及婴儿用围栏的法案修正令

    Holland announce children bed and playpen bill revise order

  5. 当他还是一个婴儿的时候,他的父亲就在他的童床上面悬挂了一个网球。

    When he was an infant his father suspended a tennis ball above his cot.

  6. 那时,年轻的查尔斯王子几乎看都没看那个睡在童床里的小不点儿。

    At that time , your Prince Charles barely glanced at the tiny baby sleeping in her cot.

  7. 不过今天她很清醒,还在她的童床里玩呢;她已经准备好参加她的聚会了。

    Yet today she was lucid and playing in her crib ; ready to go for her party .

  8. 确定最终方案并进行具体效果的表现,设计完成了具有安全、环保、美观的现代家用中童床。

    And the final design will be very perfect in such aspects as safety , beauty and environmental protection .

  9. 接触空的童床比坐在有生病的婴儿房间里更危险。

    It was more dangerous to touch the empty crib than to sit in the room with the sick baby .

  10. 那时,年轻的查尔斯王子几乎看都没看那个睡在童床里的小不点儿。毕竟,十二岁的孩子怎么会对婴儿感兴趣呢?

    At the time , your Prince Charles barely glanced at the tiny baby sleeping in her cot. After all , bow could a twelve-year-old boy be interested in babies ?