
lǎo nián xìnɡ jīnɡ shen zhànɡ ài
  • senile psychosis
  1. 老年情感性精神障碍的预后及其相关因素的随访研究颈内动脉狭窄与脑卒中急性期情感障碍相关性研究

    A follow-up study of the prognosis and its relevant factors in the senile affective disorders Correlation between Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis and Affective Disorder after Stroke in Acute-phase

  2. 方法将84例老年器质性精神障碍患者随机分为3组,分别给予不同剂量利培酮0.5mg、1mg、2mg,疗程6周。

    Methods 84 patients of elderly organic mental disorders were randomly assigned to 3 groups to receive risperidone of different dosage respectively for 6 weeks .

  3. 老年期情感性精神障碍不同临床类型预后的随访研究

    The Follow-up of Prognosis of Clinical Types of Senile Affective Mental Disorder

  4. 老年器质性精神障碍的药物干预

    The medication of elder patients with organic mental disorder

  5. 目的:比较利培酮与奋乃静治疗老年器质性精神障碍的疗效及不良反应。

    Objective : To compare the efficacy and side effects of risperidone and perphenazine in the treatment of elderly brain organic mental disorders .

  6. 结论老年期情感性精神障碍患者有1/3左右预后较差,双相混合或快速循环型预后最差。

    Conclusions Prognosis was poor in about 1 / 3 of the senile affective disorders after discharge from hospital . The bipolar mixed or rapid cycling subtype may be associated with unfavourable prognosis in senile affective disorders .

  7. 利培酮治疗老年期器质性精神障碍21例

    Risperidone in the Treatment of 21 Senile Patients with Organic Psychonosema