
  • 网络Inhibition of thought;Retardation of thought;retardation of thinking
  1. 抑郁症(Depression)是以持续的情感(情绪)低落、思维迟缓和精神运动性抑制为基本症状的一类心身疾病。

    Depression is one of the most common diseases of persistent emotion ( feeling ) stepping down , inhibition of thought and psychomotor retardation .

  2. 认为抑郁症是以情绪低落、思维迟缓、精神运动性抑制为主要表现的疾病。

    The author points out that the patients of depression mainly show low mood , slow thought , mental disorder .

  3. 抑郁症主要表现为特征性的情绪低落、思维迟缓、意志活动减退及一些躯体症状,它是人类心理失调最主要和最经常出现的问题之一。

    Depression mainly characterized by in low spirits , thinking slow , activity decline and some somatic symptoms , and it is one of the most important factors and frequent problems of human psychiatric disorders .

  4. 久坐不仅会对身体产生影响,当体内血液循环、氧气和重要的激素和化学物质不能有效地工作时,会导致思维迟缓,情绪低下,自尊心一落千丈。

    It 's not just your body that 's taking the brunt of the damage from all that sitting . When the body isn 't working efficiently to circulate blood , oxygen and important hormones and chemicals as it should , your mind goes dull , and your mood and self-esteem take a nosedive .

  5. 脑卒中后抑郁(Post-StrokeDepression,PSD)是指脑血管疾病发生后出现的以情绪低落、活动机能减退、思维功能迟缓为主要特征的一类情感障碍。

    Post-stroke depression ( PSD ) is an ever-present affective disorder after stroke having manifestations of depressing emotion , activity decrease , and sluggish ideation .