
  • 网络Remembering;Recalling the past;Reflections
  1. 文艺对人们的思想起着潜移默化的作用。

    Literature and art exert an imperceptible influence on people 's thinking .

  2. 通过分析这种方式的缺点,对我们提出嵌入式VPN的思想起到加速的作用。

    Analyzing its flaw , we accelerated our plan , embed VPN . And it is the practice-groundwork .

  3. 它对纠正这些不纯正的思想起了很大的作用。

    It has gone a long way towards removing these impurities .

  4. 交际能力理论的问世,对交际语言教学思想起了奠基作用。

    The theory of communicative competence lays a theoretical foundation for communicative language teaching .

  5. 边疆生活已使他的思想起了很大变化。

    The frontier has worked him over inside .

  6. 不同的态度,对于丰富和完善这一美学思想起到了积极的意义。

    Different attitude to enrich and improve this aesthetic ideology played a positive meaning .

  7. 在这一过程中,严复及其引进的社会达尔文主义思想起了最主要的作用。

    Yan Fu and his introduction of social Darwinism played a leading role during this course .

  8. 英译的中国儒家经典《四书》对超验主义接受中国儒家的一些思想起了至关重要的作用。

    The English version Chinese Confucian classic , the Four Books plays an essential role during the course of the reception of Confucianism by transcendentalism .

  9. 圣西门坚持这些论点的毅力和热情,对于培养进步人士去接受社会主义思想起了不小的作用。

    Saint-Simon insisted on these theses with great determination and enthusiasm , which played a great role on training progressives to accept the thought of socialism .

  10. 美国一改对苏联侵犯实施大规模报复的既定政策,转而采取保持可靠的二次打击能力以避免对方突袭的策略,这中间上述思想起到了一定作用。

    Such thinking helped to change the US 's stated policy of massive retaliation for any Soviet transgression in favour of maintaining a credible second-strike capability to discourage a surprise attack .

  11. 从殷商时代出现最早的养生思想起,经过漫长的历史进程,体育保健理论得到了不断的发展,到明清时代才日趋完善。

    Since the time when the idea of physical care came into being in Yinshan period , the theory of physical care of physical education developed gradually and became perfect in Ming and Qing Dynasties .

  12. 在先秦时期中国军事法制从秘密走向公开、从零散走向集中、从不成文走向成文的发展过程中,古代中国早期的军事伦理思想起到了不容忽视的作用。

    In the period of Pre-Qin , the Chinese Martial legal system moved from mystery to publicity , from separation to concentration , from unwritten laws to written laws . Hence the military ethic thoughts in the early ancient China played an indispensable role .

  13. 当这个重大的时刻来临时,积极的思想会起到很大帮助。

    And when the big moment arrives your positive thinking will take over .

  14. 在这个过程中,思想解放起到了不可替代而又至关重要的作用。

    In this process , ideological emancipation plays an irreplaceable and important role .

  15. 对艺术与美学的问题的思考在海德格尔的全部思想中起到了什么的作用?

    In his system of thought , the study of art takes what role ?

  16. 但这也意味着解释者自己的思想会起到重新唤起文本意义的作用。

    But this means that the interpreter 's own thoughts too have gone into re-awakening the text 's meaning .

  17. 因此,加强外部的教育,对于引导人们形成正确的思想观念起着决定性的作用。

    Therefore , it plays the decided part for people 's forming correct ideological idea to strengthen the external education .

  18. 这些要素在涵化教育中的功能不同,但都对高校学生的思想形成起着非常重要的作用。

    These elements have different functions in acculturation education , but all have significance in thought forming of higher college students .

  19. 它在确立大型学校是给予学生全面教育的最好方式之一这一思想方面起到重要作用。

    It played a big part in establishing the idea that large schools are the best way to give students a comprehensive education .

  20. 在以农耕生产为主的中国古代,“雨”在人们的生活、思想领域起着重要作用。

    In ancient China when man took agricultural farming as the main production , 'rain'played an important role in man 's life and thought field .

  21. 在治理东北边疆过程中,华夷一统思想既起到了积极作用,也起到了消极作用。

    In the governance of the north-east frontier process ," hua-yi unified " ideology had played a positive role , but also played a negative role .

  22. 第二章对三部作品进行了技术性分析,阐述具体作曲技术对突出音乐表现、主题思想所起的决定性作用。

    The second chapter of the work carried out on three technical analysis of the specific technological performance of outstanding music , theme played a decisive role .

  23. 然而,大多数作者对黑人现状表达了悲观看法,却忽视了民权运动对黑人生活及思想所起到的积极作用。

    But it seems that many of these writers are pessimistic about the present situation of blacks and have neglected the encouraging effects of the Movement on their life .

  24. 石头神话与玄女神话不仅对《水浒传》的主题倾向、好汉们的思想行为起着内在的规定性,而且在结构上使全书最大限度地保持着内在的稳定性与统一性。

    Stone Xuannu mythology not only stipulated the theme , thoughts and behavior of the heroes of " the water margin " but also made the novel keep inherent stability and unity maximally on the structure .

  25. 而作为学校体育重要课程之一的体操普修课程,它的指导思想则起着导向的作用,同时也反映与社会生活衔接的关键之所在。

    As one of the important courses of school physical education , gymnastic courses for all specialties must reflect the linkage of social life in its guiding ideology and embody the real effect of cultivating people .

  26. 就是老兵,老干部,只要你不整风,他的思想也要起变化。

    Even the ideology of veterans and senior cadres would change without rectification .

  27. 地理环境在形成那些对立的思想方法上起了重要作用。

    Geography played a big part in shaping those opposite ways of thinking .

  28. 这表明辅导员、班主任对大学生思想政治教育起着重要的作用。

    The teacher to student counselor , ideological and political education plays an important role .

  29. 就中国人的文化思想,激发起对爱滋病问题的讨论和进一步研究;

    Stimulate discussion and further study about AIDS with reference to the cultural aspects of chinese ;

  30. 当录事想到这一点,以及他的思想中所起的整个变化的时候,他就微笑了。

    While he thought of this and of the whole metamorphosis he had undergone , he smiled and said ,