
  1. 对苏来讲,“syntax(句法)就是教堂从犯罪的人那儿收来的税钱。”

    For sue ," syntax is all the money collected at the church from sinners . "

  2. 一天上午,忙碌的医生扬了扬灰白的浓眉,示意苏来到过道。

    One morning the busy doctor invited Sue into the hallway with a bushy , gray eyebrow .

  3. 当日下午,苏来到约翰西的床头,用一只手臂搂住她。

    And that afternoon Sue came to the bed where Johnsy lay and put one arm around her .

  4. 朋友们,今年先烈纪念日那天,我去了巴黎近郊一个美丽的山坡,那是专门埋葬美国阵亡将士的苏来斯奈斯墓地。

    My friends , on last decoration day I went to a beautiful hillside near paris , where was located the cemetery of suresnes , a cemetery given over to the burial of the American dead .

  5. 苏:我们来听听看吧!

    Sue : Well , let 's listen to it !

  6. 苏济会来参加舞会,是吧?

    Suzie 's coming to the party tonight , innit ?

  7. 苏,我来给你介绍一下我姐姐,她叫简。

    Sue , let me introduce you to my sister , Jane .

  8. 一个从苏天真镇来的女图书管理员。

    A librarian girl from the town of Su nae .

  9. “苏家有请帖来,我送了礼”

    " The sus invited me , so I sent a gift - "

  10. 马克思主义文艺理论的译介也在论文中介绍,因为中国是通过俄苏这个中介来接受和传播马克思主义文艺理论的。

    We Chinese embraced and propagated Marxism through both Russia and Soviet Union , so the Marxist theory of literature and art is discussed in this paper .

  11. 不论我们有意或无意,美国已经接受了以比较美苏经济效率来度量战斗胜负的挑战,从而赢得中立国家的政治忠诚。

    Consciously or not , we have accepted the gauge of battle for the political loyalty of neutral nations in terms of the comparative performance of the American and Russian economies .

  12. 苏小姐打电话来问他收到请帖没有,说辛楣托她转邀,还叫他明天上午去谈谈。

    Miss Su called to ask if he had received the card or not and Hsin-mei had asked her to invite him ; moreover , she told him to see her the next morning .