
  • 网络sumatra earthquake
  1. 苏门答腊地震对柴达木地方震的触发作用

    Triggering of local earthquakes in the Qaidam Basin by the Sumatra earthquake

  2. 苏门答腊地震研究说明了破裂为何向北扩展

    Sumatra earthquake research indicates why rupture propagated northward

  3. Gross表示,尽管智利地震远小于苏门答腊地震,但是估计结果是前者对形状轴的影响却大一点,有两个原因。

    Gross said that even though the Chilean earthquake is much smaller than the Sumatran quake , it is predicted to have changed the position of the figure axis by a bit more for two reasons .

  4. 苏门答腊地震的速度和大小现在我们对去年巨大地震的特征有了更清晰的认识

    Speed and size of the Sumatra earthquake

  5. 苏门答腊地震的辐射能量

    Energy radiation from the Sumatra earthquake

  6. 苏门答腊地震引发毁灭性海啸

    Sumatran earthquake spawns devastating tsunami

  7. 美国宇航局的科学家还说,相对于苏门答腊地震断层,导致2010年智利地震的断层以更尖锐的角度切入地球。

    The fault responsible for the2010 Chile quake also slices through Earth at a steeper angle than the Sumatran quake 's fault , NASA scientists said .

  8. 苏门答腊地震断层在洋底自北向南成扇形展开,而海啸巨浪则自西向东扑向海岸。

    In the case of the Sumatra quake , the seismic fault fan north to south beneath the ocean floor , while the tsunami waves shot out west and east .

  9. 数字化水位仪观测的苏门答腊大地震激发的地球球型自由振荡

    Earth 's Free Spheroidal Oscillations of the Great Sumatra Earthquake Observed with Digital Water Level Meter

  10. 苏门答腊断层地震活动性分形图象的新证据及其在地震预测中的可能应用

    New evidence on the fractal pattern of Sumatra fault seismicity and its possible application to earthquake prediction

  11. 黄骅井水位对苏门答腊5次地震的同震响应初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Coseismic Response of Huanghua Well Water Level to 5 Times of the Sumatra Earthquakes

  12. .对印尼苏门答腊岛强烈地震的紧急反应已经转移到恢复和重建方面。

    Indonesian Earthquake Efforts Shift to Rebuilding Phase The emergency response efforts to the earthquake that hit the Indonesian island of Sumatra is shifting to recovery and rebuilding efforts .

  13. 为了分析2004年12月26日苏门答腊MS8.9大地震对大陆地震形势的影响,本文介绍了1935~1957年苏门答腊&蒙古地震大迁移事件,时间持续22年,长度4600km,迁移速度205km/a。

    In order to analyse the influence by Dec.26 2004 M_S8.9 Sumatra earthquake on continental earthquakes , migration has been introduced in the paper . Sumatra-Mongolia earthquake lasted 22 years from 1935 to 1957 . The migration distance is about 4600 km with migration velocity 205 km / a.

  14. 由Hi-Net台阵成像得出的2004年苏门答腊-安达曼地震的范围、持续时间和速度

    Extent , duration and speed of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake imaged by the Hi-Net array

  15. 苏门答腊岛8.7级地震对我国南北地震带地震形势的影响

    Impact of Sumatra 8.7 earthquake on the seismicity along the north-south seismic zones of China