
  • 网络Collaborative Management Platform;cooperation management platform;FORP;WEFORE
  1. 基于LAMP的科技型中小企业协同管理平台研究

    Study on Cooperative Management Platform for Technological SME Based on LAMP

  2. 本文对国内外集装箱港口的发展进行了分析,提出采用Internet和嵌入式GPRS技术相结合的方案,实现物流协同管理平台的设计和开发。

    It states by using the Internet and embedded GPRS technologies combining plan to realize logistics coordination management platform design and development .

  3. 在详细分析了SNMP中管理信息库(MIB)结构的基础上,对网络协同管理平台中的数据库进行了详细的分析和设计;

    Secondly , after analyzing the structure of the Management Information Base ( MIB ) of SNMP , the database of network management platform is designed in detail .

  4. 面向服务的生态公益林协同管理平台研究

    Study on Service-Oriented Collaborative Management Platform of Non Commercial Forest

  5. 机械工业售后服务协同管理平台研究

    Research on Cooperative Platform for After - sales Service of Machine Industry

  6. 面向网络化制造的中小企业协同管理平台研究

    Research on collaborative management platform of small and medium-sized enterprises for networked manufacturing

  7. 基于网格协同管理平台的流程银行组织架构研究

    The Study of Processing Bank Organization Structure Based on Grid Synergetic Management Platform

  8. 基于分布式的视频监控系统协同管理平台解决方案研究

    Research on Collaborative Management Platform Solving Scheme Based on Distributed Video Surveillance System

  9. 施工企业协同管理平台建设

    Construction of Cooperative Management Platform of Construction Enterprise

  10. 建立计算机支持的协同管理平台。

    A computer supported management platform should also be established for the same purpose .

  11. 在此基础上,分析了生态公益林管理主体的业务职能、业务流程,为建立生态公益林协同管理平台奠定业务需求基础。

    On this basis , the main business functions , business processes of management of NCF are analyzed .

  12. 基于Web的协同工作流管理平台模型的研究

    A Web-based Model for Cooperation Workflow Management Platform

  13. 客服中心数字化协同管理办公平台系统设计

    On design of system for service center digitalization with management office platform

  14. 面向制造企业的售后服务协同管理集成平台的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of After Service Collaborated Management Integrated Platform

  15. 研究协同仿真运行管理平台的设计和实现。

    The design and implementation of the Collaborative Simulation Run-time Management Platform is mainly studied in this paper .

  16. 服务注册中心是网格系统中进行服务资源管理的核心部件,其主要功能是为服务的共享与协同管理提供有效平台。

    Service register center is the core component of grid system , which supplies effective platform for share and cooperation of services .

  17. 二是构建基于工作流的协同作业信息管理平台,可以方便的验证小型IT企业过程管理数据模型的合理性和实用性。

    Another innovation is that the collaborative information management platform based on workflow could conveniently verify the rationality and practicability of the process management data model of small IT firms .

  18. 初步构建出面向整车研发过程的协同产品开发管理平台,优化与完善企业自主品牌技术管理体系建设,研发流程执行规范化,实现研发数据集中、准确和结构化管理。

    And construct the vehicle development process management platform for collaborative product development initially , optimize and improve the corporate brands technology management system , achieve standardized development process and R & D data concentrated , accurate , and structured manage .

  19. 基于Web和协同理念的工作流管理平台利用先进的计算机技术、网络和通讯技术,并借鉴国内外先进的管理和人文思想,从而较好地支持企业经营过程的运行、管理和监控。

    Cooperation Workflow Management Platform ( CWFMP ) takes advantages of the advanced computer technology , network and communication technology , and also uses the advanced management and the humanities at home and abroad for reference , which further promote corporations ' running , managing and monitoring .

  20. 计量器具管理系统是一个以计量器具办证事务为中心,实现信息、管理、服务协同工作的办公管理平台。

    Measurement gauge management system is an office management platform to consolidate information , management and services , which deals with making measurement gauge certificates .

  21. 根据构建策略结合微软的协同工作与知识管理平台开发工具,具体设计和实现了基于知识管理的协同教务平台。

    According to the constructing strategy and Microsoft 's collaboration & knowledge management development platform , we design and development the Cooperated Educational Administration Platform Based on Knowledge Management .

  22. 针对网络化制造模式下中小型企业协同管理的需求,并基于企业协同工程和系统工程适用性,提出了一个基于协同管理中心的企业协同管理平台的系统解决方案。

    Based on the applicability of collaborative engineering and system engineering , a collaborative management platform based on collaborative management center was put forward , which was applied to solve collaborative management questions for small and medium-sized enterprises .