
  • 网络collaboration platform;Sites;Google Site
  1. Google协作平台就是其中一款侧重于团队协作的网站编辑产品。

    Google sites is one of a team collaboration sites focused on the editorial product .

  2. 基于SOA协作平台的供需网架构模型研究

    The Frame Model of Supply and Demand Network Based on SOA Collaborative Platform

  3. 基于RESTfulWebServices的服装企业ASP协作平台研究与实现

    Design and implementation of ASP collaboration platform for apparel enterprise based on restful Web Services

  4. 在设计的基础上实现了基于ASP协作平台的汽车售后服务商评价系统。

    Implemented the ASP-based after & sale evaluation system on service providers .

  5. PresentationServices:这个组件是企业协作平台,它常常基于企业门户。

    Presentation Services : This component is the collaboration platform for the enterprise , and it is often based on an enterprise portal .

  6. 基于SaaS模式的项目实时协作平台的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of a SaaS-based Project Collaboration Platform

  7. 结合行动研究法,选择《3DMAX》动画设计课程中制作卡通模型飞机教学实践课作为基于忙吧协作平台的应用研究。

    Combined with action research , select " 3D MAX " animation courses as busy bar collaboration platform based on applied research .

  8. 批准对更改活动的投资后,您应构建社区流程和协作平台,然后在SOA治理上建立策略。

    After the funds for the change initiative are approved , you build community processes and collaborative platforms , then establish policies on SOA governance .

  9. 然后分析研究了基于SaaS模式的汽车产业链协作平台。

    Then give the analysis of the automotive industry chain collaboration platform based on SaaS model .

  10. 电子协作平台在VMI中的研究和应用

    Study and Application of E-Collaboration in VMI

  11. Jazz是一个可伸缩、可扩展的团队协作平台,用于无缝地集成整个软件生命周期中的任务。

    Jazz is a scalable , extensible , team collaboration platform for seamlessly integrating tasks across the software lifecycle .

  12. 基于SVN的统一协作平台设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Unified Cooperation Platform Baseed on SVN

  13. 在分析自身需求及规划信息化未来的基础上,慧宁集团希望建立科学的OA协作平台来作为企业持续发展的基础保障。

    Analyzing its requirements and planning information future , HuiNing Group want to build a scientific OA business collaboration platform to ensure its sustainable development .

  14. 然后对基于Flex的企业协作平台设计进行了深入的分析,包括系统的整体架构,客户端设计和基于J2EE架构的服务器端设计。

    Then it did further analyses for the design of Flex based enterprise collaboration platform , including system architecture , client side design and the server side design based on J2EE framework .

  15. 随着计算机技术、网格(Grid)技术的发展,制造业信息化的深入,制造网格(ManufacturingGrid,MG)作为信息技术和制造技术结合的产物应运而生,为网络化制造提供了一个通用的协作平台。

    With the development of the technology of computer and grid , and the constant advance of manufacturing informationization , Manufacturing Grid ( MG ) emerges as the results of combining the information technology and manufacturing , to provide a general platform for Networked-Manufacturing .

  16. 两年前,我见过普加•桑卡尔,当时她已创立了促进师生间课堂讨论的协作平台Piazza。

    I met Pooja Sankar two years ago after she founded piazza , a collaboration platform that facilitates class discussion among students and teachers .

  17. 汽车产业链ASP协作平台是针对我国汽车行业信息化落后,信息交流缓慢的情况而建立的信息交流平台,旨在消除产业链上企业间信息交流屏障,推动汽车行业发展。

    Since the informationization of automobile manufacturing industry in our county is far behind than that in developed countries , ASP Platform of auto industry chain collaboration is built to eliminate the information exchanging barriers and promote the development of the automotive industry .

  18. 本文借助于汽车产业链协作平台,为中小型汽车制造企业提供了一个基于ASP(应用服务提供商)模式的协同售后服务管理解决方案,并设计和实现了其中配件管理系统。

    Based on the automobile industry chain cooperation platform , a new solution for collaborative after-sale service which is based on ASP ( Application Service Provider ) is put forward for these enterprises , and the auto parts management system in the solution is designed and implemented .

  19. 一旦“进入”公司或研究所之后,Git既可以作为VCS又可以作为协作平台,这促使许多传统“源代码”之外的项目采用它。

    Once " inside " a corporate or academic environment , Git 's benefits as both a VCS and a platform for collaboration have led to its adoption by many projects outside the traditional " source code " arena .

  20. 如果您需要一个用于开发,计划以及发布开源项目的协作平台,应该选择CodePlex。

    In order to develop , plan , and release an open source project and to provide a collaboration platform for your project , CodePlex is the right place to go .

  21. 虚拟生产系统生产组织模式及其协作平台研究

    Research on production pattern and supporting technologies for virtual producing system

  22. 仪器共享与协作平台实现技术研究

    Research in Implementation of Instrument Sharing and Collaborative Platform

  23. 基于汽车产业链协作平台的售后服务配件管理系统设计与开发

    Research and Application of Automobile Industry Chain-Based After-Sale Service Auto Parts Management System

  24. 基于ITU-TT.120协议的多媒体远程协作平台核心机制及实现技术研究

    Research on the Core Mechanism and Implementation Technique of ITU-T T.120-Based Multimedia Cooperative Platform

  25. 构建图书馆信息咨询服务协作平台

    Building Cooperative Platform on Librarys Information Consulting Service

  26. 构建首都城市管理协作平台促进北京城市发展

    Constructing the Capital City Management Collaboration Platform to Promote the Development of Beijing City

  27. 分布式多媒体网络协作平台的研究

    Research on Distributed Multimedia Network Collaborative Platform

  28. 并将该协作平台在某模具企业进行了应用,取得了较好的实际效果。

    And it has been applied to a mould enterprise , achieved good application effect .

  29. 最后,以应用服务提供商模式下的制造协作平台为应用实例,对理论研究进行了说明。

    Finally , a collaborative manufacturing platform was provided to demonstrate the application of the study result .

  30. 基于网络的企业协作平台构建

    Network-based Enterprise Cooperate Platform Construction