
xié fānɡ chā fēn xī
  • analysis of covariance
  1. 预测效度用协方差分析和logistic回归。

    Predicative validity was assessed by analysis of covariance and logistic regression .

  2. 协方差分析分析表明,慢性病与SF-36各维度得分均有紧密的联系。

    The result of analysis of covariance indicated that there was close relation between chronic disease and scores of all dimension of SF-36 .

  3. 测定地球引力常数GM的协方差分析

    Covariance analysis for determination of the constant of earth gravitation

  4. 用多元协方差分析调整某些混杂变量后,高盐饮食组血浆粘度仍显著高于低盐饮食组(P<0.05);全血粘度在各组之间差异仍不显著(P>0.05)。

    After adjusted with confounding factors PV still showed a significant different by multi covariance analysis for the higher salt intake than lower one ( P < 0 05 ) .

  5. 协方差分析的SAS实现方法

    The Application of SAS in Covariance Analysis

  6. 阐述了协方差分析描述函数法(CADET)的主要内容,并结合一战术导弹非线性模型,展示了CADET法在导弹命中概率评估中的应用。

    The main contents of Covariance Analysis Description Function Technique are interpreted .

  7. 统计分析采用SPSS11.5软件,采用有交互作用的双因素协方差分析,考察影响血清HA水平的主要因素。

    SPSS 11.5 software was used for statistical analyses . The factors influencing serum HA level were analyzed by double variate analysis of covariance with interaction .

  8. 血清LH、FSH/LH、左侧卵巢RI两组间存在差异,基线不等,将基线作为协变量采用协方差分析。

    The serum LH , FSH / LH , left ovarian RI had differences has been between two groups , made the baseline as covariate by covariance analysis .

  9. 统计学分析采用t检验、秩和检验、相关分析、回归分析、协方差分析、X~2检验、Logistic回归等方法。

    In lymphocytes by using comet assay . Different statistical methods were employed , such as non-parametric test , t-test , correlation and regression analysis , covariance analysis , Crosstabes , Logistic regression and so on .

  10. 协方差分析描述函数法(CADET)首次用于导弹遥控过程的精度分析。

    Covariance Analysis Describing function Technique ( CADET ) algorithm was used to analyze the precision of missiles remote control process .

  11. 在卫星动力法定轨的协方差分析基础上,提出了一种针对地球静止轨道(GEO)卫星的简化定轨精度分析方法。

    An approximate algorithm of orbit determination error analysis for geostationary ( GEO ) satellite was presented based on the covariance analysis of dynamic orbit determination in this paper .

  12. 为了排除吸入阿托品后基础FEV1变化的影响,采用协方差分析法进行检验。

    In order to get rid of the effect of baseline FEV1 changes induced by atropine inhalation , covariance analysis was used .

  13. 结果:采用混合线性模型协方差分析发现,与婴幼儿生长密切相关的主要因素为月龄、是否SGA、性别和出生体重;

    Results : Mixed linear models statistical method revealed that the main factors of child growth were age , SGA or not , gender and birth weight .

  14. 考虑地球非球形J2项摄动,采用协方差分析描述函数法与MonteCarlo仿真方法,分析了初始状态误差对远程交会的影响。

    Considering the J2 perturbation , the nonlinear error analysis for the long-distance rendezvous trajectory with initial state errors is performed by using covariance analysis description equation technique ( CADET ) and Monte Carlo simulation .

  15. 多元协方差分析显示:接触组工人的WHO/NCTB中的6项分测验,除SRT测验外,其余与对照工人比较均无显著性差异。

    However , only SRT of 6 sub-tests was found to be significantly different between Pb-exposed workers and non-exposed workers using analysis of multiple covariance .

  16. 结果将GLM简化成适用于回归分析、方差和协方差分析、多水平模型等具体的统计模型。

    Results To simplify GLM into several particular statistical models which are suitable for regression analysis , analysis of variance and covariance , and multilevel modelling .

  17. 用药前的组间比较采用One-wayAnova方差比较;用药后同一时间点的组间比较由于需要考虑用药前的因素,故采用协方差分析进行统计比较。

    Between the different groups before treatment were compared using One-Way ANOVA variance ; the same point in time between the different groups after treatment , because of the need to consider the factors before treatment , the use of Analysis of Covariance was necessary .

  18. 协方差分析描述函数法在终端航空武器投放动态仿真研究中的应用

    Simulation of covariance analysis describing equation technique for terminal weapon delivery

  19. 非参数协方差分析基于变系数模型的统计推断

    Statistical Inference for Nonparametric Analysis of Covariance Via Varying Coefficient Models

  20. 关于无限奇异算子对系统进行了协方差分析。

    On Infinitely Singular Operators A covariance analysis of the .

  21. 云南野生余甘子单株选优的协方差分析

    Covariance Analysis of Individual Selection of Phyllanthus emblica of Yunnan

  22. 地空导弹弹目视线指向预定角误差协方差分析

    Covariance Analysis of Missile-to-Target LOS Pointing Angle Error for SAM

  23. 捷联惯导系统陀螺罗经对准性能的协方差分析

    Performance Analysis on Gyrocompassing Alignment of Strapdown Inertial Navigation Systems

  24. 利用协方差分析法合理评价高数教学效果

    Use Covariance to Evaluate the Teaching Effect of High Maths

  25. 协方差分析方法优化农用车悬架参数

    Suspension Parameter Optimization of Farm Transport Vehicle Using Covariance Method

  26. 阿瓦提县棉花单产的协方差分析

    Analysis of covariance on the per unit yield of cotton in Awat county

  27. 目的探讨协变量的不均衡对协方差分析的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of covariate imbalance on analysis of covariance .

  28. 利用正交变换方法计算协方差分析的统计量

    Computation of the statistical quantities for covariance analysis using the orthogonal transformation method

  29. 协方差分析及其在流行病学研究中的应用

    Analysis of Covariance and Its Application to Epidemiologic Research

  30. 采用协方差分析方法,对油菜田除草剂的试验结果进行了分析。

    Covariance analysis was used to analyze herbicide efficacy data from rapeseed experiments .