
  • 网络Country Road;Road of Countryside
  1. 一个无头骑士常出没于乡间的小路上。

    A headless rider haunts the country lanes .

  2. 那一刻,一个深深的脚印留在了乡间的小路上!

    At that moment , a deep footprints remain in the small rural road !

  3. 漫步在乡间的小路上,眼前是一片葱郁的绿。

    It is lush green everywhere you look as you stroll down the village lane .

  4. 走在乡间的小路上。

    Walking on the countryside road .

  5. 走在乡间的小路上,暮归的老牛是我同伴。

    Walking along the path in the countryside at dusk , I enjoy the company of my old cow .

  6. 前段时间因为有点事情到乡下的一个小镇,无意间的行走,让自己跑到了乡间的小路上。

    Because a little thing to the country some time ago in a small town , inadvertently walking , went to the countryside for its own small way .

  7. 行人在乡间狭窄的小路上应格外小心。

    Pedestrians should take extra care on narrow country roads .

  8. 小径;(乡间的)小路那些人沿着沙漠小道走了数日。

    The men had followed desert trails for days .