
xiānɡ qīn men
  • folks, fellow villagers
  1. 他回村看望乡亲们来了。

    He 's come back to the village to see us folks .

  2. 他们忍无可忍,领导乡亲们拿起武器准备行动。

    Driven beyond endurance , they led the villagers to arm themselves and prepare for action .

  3. 这些年,我去了全国14个集中连片特困地区,乡亲们愚公移山的干劲,广大扶贫干部倾情投入的奉献,时常浮现在脑海。

    These years , I have visited 14 contiguous areas of dire30 poverty . The unremitting efforts of the folks and the wholehearted contribution of the poverty-eradication cadres often come to my mind .

  4. 当晚,它们就托梦给附近的百姓说:“给你们带来灾祸的不是神像,而是庙前的大树。”乡亲们相信了这一说法,第二天就把大树砍掉了。

    That night , they appeared in the dreams of nearby people , telling them that , " It was not the joss but the bog3 tree in front of the temple that brought you the misfortune . " The villagers were convinced , and cut down the big tree the next day .

  5. “但是还是在其刚刚生长的时候,这种转基因作物的抗虫特性就让我坚持下来,”Paraluman说。他还说,转基因作物大幅度增加的产量震惊了乡亲们。

    " But even in its early growth , the anti-insect effect of the GM crop encouraged me to persist ," said Paraluman , adding that the dramatically increased crops have stunned other farmers .

  6. 一个亮丽的新水塔已经建好了;在水泥搅拌机和泥瓦匠的喧嚣声中,Sathya与乡亲们即将入住的新居已经初具规模。

    Already , a bright new water tank has been set up . And , amid the crunch of cement mixers and shouts of masons , the new settlement , which will soon house Sathya and her people , is taking shape .

  7. 乡亲们总是请他们留下来吃午饭。

    The villagers always ask them to stay for lunch .

  8. 请代我向那里的乡亲们问声好。

    Please give my best regards to the folks there .

  9. 乡亲们,这里的人们正为灵异公司而疯狂。

    Folks , this crowd is going crazy over mystery Inc.

  10. 他那时的教学并不是为乡亲们造福。

    He had not taught for the good of his fellow men .

  11. 它是如此坚实,足以把希望带给芝加哥的邻里乡亲们。

    It was strong enough to bring hope to those neighborhoods in Chicago .

  12. 一到村庄,他就看到乡亲们在等着他。

    On reaching the willage , he saw the folks waiting for him .

  13. 我叫盖伯瑞尔奥克,乡亲们。

    Gabriel Oak is my name , neighbours .

  14. 乡亲们三三两两地默哀地沿着人行道走着。

    Townsfolk lined the pavements in silence , in places three or four deep .

  15. 和平谷的父老乡亲们,

    Oitizens of the Valley of Peace ,

  16. 乡亲们买了爸爸的家具。

    Folks buy Papa 's furniture .

  17. 改革开放后,乡亲们自发捐款进行了多次维修。

    After Reforming and Opening , the villagers contributed money to rebuild the temples for times .

  18. 我前一阵回了趟老家,看望了乡亲们。

    I went back to my hometown and visited my fellow villagers a few days ago .

  19. 嘿乡亲们我的侄孙女要给大家唱几首歌我要唱吗

    Hey , everybody , my niece is gonna sing us some songs . I am ?

  20. 她建起了蔬菜大棚,把收获的第一茬蔬菜送给乡亲们品尝。

    She has built a greenhouse and presented the first crop of vegetables to her fellow villagers .

  21. 他对乡亲们都很和善,也很善待动物。

    He was always nice to the people in his county and to the animals there as well .

  22. 但是有一点是永远不会改变的&她依然是承载乡亲们希望和梦想的使者。

    But one thing remains unchanged , she is still the carrier of her fellow villagers'hopes and dreams .

  23. 谁都不敢相信他的话,直到在他的坚持下,乡亲们掘开了姑娘的坟墓。

    Everyone could not believe him , until in his insistence , the villagers dug a girl 's grave .

  24. 乡亲们,都过来瞧瞧你们有生以来所瞧到的最合算最便宜的货吧。

    Gather round , folks , and see some of the biggest bargains you ever set your eyes on .

  25. 新年之际,祝乡亲们的生活蒸蒸日上,越过越红火。

    I would like to wish all of them and their fellow villagers a prosperous and thriving New Year .

  26. 他对老乡亲心肠特别软。父老乡亲们齐聚岸边为他们送行。

    He has a particular soft spot for old neighbors . people gathered at the bank to see them off .

  27. 乡亲们,我想告诉你们我并不打算雇一个新的农场经理。

    ' Men , I want to tell you that I 'm not going to employ a new farm manager .

  28. 为了更好地回报乡亲们的盛情,马锦仪想方设法变换剪纸的花样。

    In order to better return on their fellow kind , Ma Kam-yee ways to transform paper-cut of the pattern .

  29. 乡亲们,我希望我可以相信你们所有的人会为我好好干的。

    Now , men , I hope I can trust you all to do your work well for me . Goodnight .

  30. 如果哪个地主还想抢劫乡亲们的东西,请他看看魏庆廉的下场!

    If there is any other landlord who wants to rob the people , then please let him look at Wei Ching-lien .