
  • 网络health care system;health insurance
  1. 据最新调查显示,美国人对其卫生保健制度最不满意,而荷兰的卫生保健制度居满意度榜首。

    Americans are the least satisfied with their health care system , while the Dutch system is rated the best , according to new research .

  2. 对此,笔者进行分析,提出了做好新型农村合作医疗制度与初级卫生保健制度的衔接,并同步完善乡镇卫生院的公共财政支持制度等建议。

    The author analyzed and proposed connection between New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme primary health care system , and gave suggestions for improving town hospital public financing support .

  3. 总统承诺要改革卫生保健制度。

    The president is committed to reforming health care .

  4. 我国基本卫生保健制度内涵及策略解析

    Connotation of Basic Hygiene System and Constructing Strategies

  5. 要重视农村地区的托幼机构卫生保健制度的执行。

    Implementation of regulation on health care in kindergartens of the rural area should be especially improved .

  6. 这是一个简单的公平性问题:“泰国有三种卫生保健制度”,他说。

    It was a simple matter of fairness : " There are three health-care schemes in Thailand ," he says .

  7. 当谈到进入美国卫生保健制度的成本时,药业的仿制药被认为是罕见的亮点。

    Pharmacy Generic drugs are viewed as a rare bright spot when it comes to the cost of the U.S.health-care system .

  8. 经合组织的研究能力确实增加了价值&收集并分析有关大量不同问题(如卫生保健制度、发展援助、劳动力市场制度等)的微观数据。

    Its research capability really adds value by collecting and analysing micro data on a host of different issues & health systems , development aid , labour market institutions and others .

  9. 共和党众议员查尔斯。布斯塔尼代表本党在每周广播讲话中说,共和党在卫生保健制度改革的基本原则上跟总统是一致的。布斯塔尼也是心脏外科医生。

    In the weekly Republican message , Congressman Charles Boustany , who is also a cardiovascular surgeon , says his party agrees with the president on the basic principles of health care reform .

  10. 而且这种压力随着我国卫生保健制度的改革,举证责任倒置制度的实施,人们法制观念的加强及病人和社会对医护人员的高期望值而日益加大。

    Along with the reform of public healthy , the implementation of evidence-presenting inversion system and the enhancement of law consciousness of patients , the expected value of patients and the society to doctors raised , they would experienced more stress .

  11. 学校要提供必要的卫生保健条件,健全卫生保健制度,积极防治学生的常见病、多发病和传染病。

    The school should offer essential hygiene condition , perfect hygiene system , active prevention and cure learns unripe common disease , frequently-occurring disease and contagion .

  12. 对企业实施劳动卫生许可证、职工健康证与职业卫生制度、医疗卫生保健制度以及作业场所岗位安全卫生操作规范的管理,是实现职业卫生服务规范化管理的有效方法。

    In addition , regional medical health care system and work site safety and health operation regulation should not be ignored .

  13. 与此同时,我国医疗卫生体制改革也进入关键时期,建立覆盖全民的基本卫生保健制度,努力实现人人享有基本卫生保健服务,已在政府部门和全社会达成了广泛共识。

    Meanwhile , the Chinese health system reform comes to a critical moment , and building basic health care system covering all residents in the urban and rural areas , achieving the goal of Health for All , has been widely accepted by the government and society .

  14. 看病难、看病贵是医疗卫生服务领域内外各种问题的集中反映,也是群众反映强烈、政府高度关注的社会问题,如何解决看病难、看病贵加快了基本医疗卫生保健制度的构建。

    " Medical treatment is difficult and expensive " is not only the concentrated reflection inside and outside of medical and health service , but also the social problems among the masses and the government highly concerned about .

  15. 最后对我国基本卫生服务筹资机制与筹资模式进行探讨,提出我国基本卫生服务筹资应以税收筹资模式为主,依托现有卫生体系构建城镇居民的基本卫生保健制度。

    Finally the article discusses the financing scheme and model of essential health care , and suggests that China essential health care financing should be predominantly tax funded and Essential Health Care Scheme should be built based on exiting health system .