
  1. 典型例子表明,对某些卫星参数,I2及I1的差别是显著的。

    Typical examples demonstrate that the difference between I1 and I2 could be significant for certain parameters .

  2. 仿真模型包括卫星参数模型、动力学模型和观测误差模型。

    The models include low-orbit satellite model , GPS satellite model , dynamical model and observation error models .

  3. 仿真计算表明,卫星参数模型和动力学模型真实地反映了卫星的运动规律;

    The programs of realizing simulation process are compiled and simulated results show that simulated models are proper .

  4. 卫星总体参数对SAR多普勒参数影响分析及仿真研究

    Analysis and Simulation of Satellite System Parameter Effect on SAR Doppler Parameters

  5. 自旋稳定卫星姿态参数的容错Kalman滤波

    Fault-Tolerant Kalman Filter for Attitude Parameters of the Spin Stabilized Satellite

  6. 其次,讨论了高分辨率星载SAR辐射定标与卫星运动参数的关联技术。

    Secondly , the relation between high resolution spaceborne SAR radiometric calibration and SMP is discussed .

  7. LEO卫星轨道参数对GPS掩星数量和分布的影响

    Effect of LEO Satellite 's Orbit Parameter on GPS Occultation Event 's Number and Distribution

  8. 自旋稳定卫星姿态参数递推容错LS估计

    Recursive Fault-Tolerant LS Estimation for Attitude Parameters of a Spin Stabilization Satellite

  9. 群聚卫星系统参数对INSAR测高测速精度的影响

    Influence of the distributed satellite system parameter to INSAR precision

  10. 研究高分辨率星载SAR的辐射定标与卫星运动参数的关联技术,将具有十分重要的意义。

    It is significantly meaningful to study the relation between high resolution spaceborne SAR radiometric calibration and Satellite Motion Parameters ( SMP ) .

  11. 单颗LEO卫星轨道参数对GNSS反射事件分布和数量影响的模拟研究

    Simulation of Impacts of Single LEO Satellite Orbit Parameters on GNSS Reflection Event 's Distribution and Number

  12. NOAA极轨气象卫星大气参数的物理反演方法数值试验

    The numerical experiment of atmospheric parameters using physical retrieval method from NOAA-10 polar orbit meterological satellite data

  13. 依据SAR的几何成像模型,利用有关卫星轨道参数和数字高程模型,进行山区地形SAR影像的几何纠正研究。

    In this paper , the correcting method of geometric distortion in alpine terrain using fly parameters and DEM was introduced , based on the imaging geometry of SAR image .

  14. 分析仿真结果表明,滚动向指向误差和稳定度以及星载SAR中心视角对分辨特性影响较大,该研究结果对于卫星总体参数确定和优化设计具有参考价值。

    The simulation results prove that roll error and its stabilization and spaceborne SAR squint angle are the key factors to SAR resolution performance errors . The conclusion is valuable to determine and optimize the satellite system parameters .

  15. 采用美国喷气推进实验室JPL发展的GIPSY软件解算区域GPS网,比较了固定精密星历和同时固定精密星历及卫星钟参数2种解算方案。

    Based on the GIPSY , a GPS data analysis software package developed at JPL , the strategies of fixed precise orbits and fixed precise orbits and clocks for regional GPS data analysis are compared .

  16. 光学遥感卫星总体参数优化设计概念研究

    Conceptual research on Optimization of system parameter of optic remote sensing satellite

  17. 一种基于卡尔曼滤波的卫星通道参数跟踪方法

    A Satellite Channel Parameter Tracking Method Based on Kalman Filtering

  18. 地震监测雷达卫星系统参数的设计

    Design of system parameters of earthquake monitoring SAR satellite

  19. 太阳同步卫星轨道参数的容许偏差分析

    A Research on the Permissible Variation of the Sun - Synchronous Repeating Orbit

  20. 少控制点的推扫式卫星姿态参数外推方法研究

    Research on Extrapolation of Attitude Parameters of Push-broom Satellite with Few Ground Control Points

  21. 要获取精确的高程信息,需要精确的卫星基线参数。

    High-precision baseline parameters are necessary to get the precise height information of the ground .

  22. 本文提出了满足设计要求的地球资源卫星轨道参数的计算方法。

    The paper offers the computation method of Earth Resources Technology Satellite orbit meeting the requirements .

  23. 通过选取适当的卫星轨道参数、姿态参数和结构参数(包括质量参数、几何参数和材料参数),建立了合适的仿真模型。

    A suitable simulation model is established by selecting appropriate orbit , attitude and structural parameters .

  24. 卫星总体参数优化是一个典型的多学科优化问题。

    Parameter optimization of satellite system is a typical problem of MDO ( Multidisciplinary Design Optimization ) .

  25. 首先应用卫星轨道参数对输入影像和参考影像进行粗定位,即利用卫星轨道参数粗略估计主、辅图像之间的偏移量,配准精度大约为30个像元;

    Firstly , we use the parameters of satellite orbit to obtain 30 pixels precision of coregistration ;

  26. 干旱半干旱区非均匀地表区域能量通量的卫星遥感参数化

    Satellite Remote Sensing Parameterization of Regional Land Surface Heat Fluxes over Heterogeneous Surface of Arid and Semi-Arid Areas

  27. 首先根据卫星轨道参数进行粗匹配,确定一个大致偏移量,其精度大约在30个像元左右。

    First , it can obtain 30 pixels pricision of registration approximately using the parameters of satellite orbit .

  28. 本软件依据卫星轨道参数控制伺服跟踪系统,完成对卫星的实时跟踪。

    This software can control servo tracking system basing on satellite orbit parameters and realize the real-time tracking of satellite .

  29. 本文首先研究了卫星运动参数的特点和由卫星运动参数决定的多普勒参数方程。

    Firstly , the characters of satellite geometrical motion parameters are studied and the equations of Doppler parameters are given .

  30. 软件主要由卫星导航参数计算模块、目标运动轨迹计算模块、误差计算模块等模块组成。

    The software comprises the satellite navigation parameters calculation module , the target trajectory calculation module , the error calculation module and etc.