
  1. 声明称,阿里巴巴前首席执行官卫哲(DavidWei)也是91无线的股东。

    David Wei , former chief executive of Alibaba . com , is also a shareholder in 91 Wireless , according to the statement .

  2. 在发布超出投资者预期的中期业绩后,阿里巴巴首席执行官卫哲(DavidWei)表示:我们看到了利润率提高的初步迹象。

    We are seeing the first signs of margin improvement , said David Wei , chief executive , following interim results which beat investors ' expectations .

  3. 卫哲先生毕业于伦敦商学院和上海外国语大学。

    David graduated from London Business School and Shanghai International Studies University .

  4. 卫哲表示,这种情况将至少持续6个月。

    This would continue for at least six months , Mr Wei said .

  5. 卫哲今年40岁。2006年他加盟阿里巴巴并领导了首次公开募股成功进行。

    Wei , 40 , had joined Alibaba in2006 and oversaw the successful IPO .

  6. 卫哲则是他完美无缺的副手,一直成功塑造着一幅淡定自若、实力非凡的形象。

    But Wei was his polished deputy , and he unfailingly projected an image of calm competence .

  7. 卫哲指出,对人的心理紧张程度而言经济最坏的时刻已经过去。

    Wei Zhe points out , the economy is worst hour intense to the person 's psychology rate has gone .

  8. 卫哲表示,今年大部分时间内,中国的出口可能继续小幅下滑。

    Mr Wei said that China 's exports were likely to continue to slide at a slower pace for most of the year .

  9. 卫哲表示,如果企业受到人民币升值、劳动力成本上升和削减增值税出口退税的突然冲击,中国出口增长将会受到影响。

    Mr Wei said Chinese export growth would suffer if a strong local currency , increased labour costs and cuts in VAT rebates were to hit businesses all at once .

  10. 卫哲表示,信息共享协议正在商讨之中,这将允许阿里巴巴向商家提供其它网站定制供应链信息,从而帮助他们提高利润率。

    Mr Wei says agreements on information sharing are in the works that could allow Alibaba to offer merchants on other websites tailor-made supply chain information that would increase their margins .

  11. 卫哲表示,中国市场上付费会员定制这些增值服务的比例从一年前的15%上升至25%。

    The penetration of these value-added services among premium members in the Chinese marketplace had risen to 25 per cent from 15 per cent a year ago , Mr Wei said .