
wèi xīnɡ zhì dǎo
  • satellite guidance
  1. 灵活、开放的卫星制导、导航与控制仿真软件环境

    Open and Flexible Software Environment for Satellite Guidance , Navigation and Control Simulation

  2. 北斗系统获得了政府高层的支持,吸引了数以十亿计美元的投资,原因之一是北京担心美国关闭在中国的GPS信号,削弱中国卫星制导武器的能力。

    Beidou has high-level government support and has attracted billions in investment , partly because of Beijing 's concerns that the United States could disable GPS signals in China , damaging the capabilities of its satellite-guided weapons .

  3. GPS导航技术应用于武器精确制导,大大提高了武器的制导能力和打击精度。卫星制导武器已逐渐成为战争的主要打击兵器,推动着作战样式的新发展。

    The technology of GPS guidance that has been applying in precise guided weapon greatly increases the ability of guidance and precise hitting of precise guided weapons and make it become primary weapon in future war , which is promoting the development of operational form of war .

  4. 卫星制导、导航与控制(GNC)仿真对卫星设计和在轨运行都具有重要的决策支持作用,然而GNC系统方案的多变性和模型使用的复杂性对快速构建高逼真度仿真不利。

    Guidance , navigation and control ( GN C ) simulation supports decision-making heavily in both design and on-orbit operations of satellites . However , due to the variety of GN C systems and the complexity of using of models , to rapidly build simulation system is not convenient .

  5. 外推法卫星制导系统

    Extrapolation type satellite 's guidance system

  6. 本文重点研究了基于旋转稳定的高速高旋弹药(以下简称高旋弹)的伪卫星制导控制技术。

    A guidance method of the high-speed and high-rolling projectile which is stable with its own high speed spinning , hereinafter referred to as high-rolling projectile , is proposed with developed pseudo satellite technology in this thesis .

  7. 卫星和制导技术的进步意味着,北约(nato)空军现在对自己精确打击目标的能力更加自信,而造成平民伤亡的风险也有所降低。

    Advances in satellite and missile-guidance technology mean than NATO air forces are now much more confident of their ability to hit the right targets , with less risk of civilian casualties .

  8. 这一点对于采用全球定位系统(GPS)制导的导弹来说,就更尤为明显了。GPS导弹是一种从卫星群接收制导信号和目标信息的远程攻击武器。

    This is particularly true for missiles guided by the Global Positioning System ( GPS ) the long-range-strike weapons that receive guidance signals and targeting cues from a constellation of satellites .

  9. 发射圆轨道卫星运载火箭的制导

    The guidance of rocket for launching circle-orbit satellites

  10. 一些评论家把中国的这次试验视为对美国的挑衅。基于卫星通信和武器制导已成为美国军事的基石,美国去年宣称有权拒绝任何危及美国利益的一方进入太空。

    Some commentators see the Chinese test as a provocation aimed at the US , which has made satellite-based communications and weapons guidance a cornerstone of its military and which last year asserted the right to deny access to space to anyone hostile to US interests .