
  • 网络Infrared imager;ir camera
  1. ANSYS在红外成像仪三维热分析中的应用

    Application of ANSYS in Thermal Analysis of Infrared Thermograph

  2. 应用三维结构设计软件UG对整机进行了精确造型,模装,得到了红外成像仪的质量、质心和转动惯量等重要的结构参数。

    Applied three dimension structure design software UG to build the accurate shape of the whole mechanical system , simulation assemble , getting important structure parameters of mechanical system , such as mass , centroid and moment of inertia etc.

  3. 为了提高玉米冠层半球方向亮温(DBT)测量的准确性,对一套由工业用起重机平台和热红外成像仪组成的地面观测系统的四种测量方法进行了对比和评价。

    In this study , a recent crane based thermal camera system developed by INRA-Avignon of France is presented , and then four measuring methods for hemispherical directional brightness temperature ( DBT ) observations are introduced .

  4. 基于热红外成像仪获取的玉米冠层图像,对垄行结构玉米的方向亮温(DBT)进行模型化描述并开展了初步验证工作。

    A modeling study on the variations of directional brightness temperature ( DBT ) for row-structure crops was carried out with the help of the images captured by a large aperture thermal infrared camera over a maize canopy .

  5. 红外成像仪用于传热实验的研究

    Studies on infrared camera using in heat transfer experiments

  6. 红外成像仪结构设计与有限元分析

    Structure Design and Finite Element Analysis of Infrared Imager

  7. 二元光学在红外成像仪中的作用

    The Function of Binary Optics in IR Imagers

  8. 针对红外成像仪的三维模型进行了干涉检查,修改了设计中的不合理之处。

    Aim at infrared imager three dimension modal carried on the interference examine , modify the unreasonable design .

  9. 用红外成像仪测定根管充填前离体牙牙根表面的温度,热牙胶进入根管并到达根管工作长度时再次测定根管表面温度,前后的差值代表根管表面温度的变化。

    A infrared thermoviewer was used to measure the external root surface temperature before the obturation and at the point the obturation to the working length .

  10. 红外成像仪是一种应用于空间环境的精密光学仪器,主要功能是获取地面和高低空运动物体的影像。

    Infrared imager is a kind of precise optical instrument applying in the space environment , main function is to obtain the images of movement objects on the ground or in the space .

  11. 通过使用红外成像仪对不同时刻霜层表面温度测量,结果表明,这种亲水涂层具有较小的传热热阻,与具有较大传热热阻的霜层相比几乎可以忽略。

    By measuring frost layer surface temperature in different times with an infrared imaging apparatus , the results show that this hydrophilic coating has small heat resistance , and the heat resistance may be ignored compared with that of frost layer .

  12. 运用红外热成像仪分别测量了不同质量的温压药剂和TNT爆炸火球的表面温度。

    Using the infrared thermal image instrument , the blasting fireball ′ s temperature of thermobaric explosive with different mass and TNT were measured .

  13. 应用医用远红外热成像仪,采集临床确诊颈椎病患者及随机人群项背区红外热图,16级色码表达,IRIAS专用软件定位、定量,统计学处理。

    Using medical infrared imaging systems , infrared images of nape and back regions of clinical diagnoses cervical spondylosis and the stochastic crowd were gathered . Using 16 grade color code expression , IRIAS ( special software ) was used to express the IRR localization and quantification .

  14. 小型快速红外热成像仪及图像处理系统

    Miniature and Fast Speed Infrared Thermal Imager and Image Processing System

  15. 红外热成像仪温度场测量的几何信息还原

    Reestablishment of Geometric Information in Surface Temperature Measurements with Infrared Thermography

  16. 红外热成像仪应用于电力设备故障诊断

    Application of Infrared Thermal Image Instrument in Power Equipment Fault Diagnosis

  17. 针对红外夜视成像仪所成图像的增强问题,提出一种新的红外图像增强组合算法。

    A new kind of algorithm for infrared image enhancement was discussed .

  18. 红外热成像仪在变频空调产品设计中的应用

    The Application of Infrared Thermal Imager in the R & D on Inverter AC

  19. 红外热成像仪在变电站的应用

    Application of Infrared Thermal Image in Substations

  20. 由红外热成像仪的结果可以得到,爆炸火球表面最高温度可以达到1809.5℃。

    The highest temperature of fireball reached to 1809.5 ℃ with the results of infrared thermography .

  21. 公司拥有红外热成像仪、超声波探测器等先进的仪器设备,能及时发现消防隐患。

    We have Infrared Image and Ultrasonic detection machine , which promised the danger in time .

  22. 然而采用红外热成像仪,则可以快速有效地发现这些隐火,把火灾消灭在最初。

    However , using infrared imaging devices , you can quickly and efficiently find hidden fire , the fire in the eradication of the original .

  23. 本文利用红外热成像仪对不锈钢微管内水的流动沸腾的壁面瞬态温度场进行了测量。

    The transient temperature field at surface of a stainless steel micro-tube , in which flow boiling of water occurs , is measured by the Infrared Radiometer .

  24. 非致冷红外热成像仪具有重量轻、无需致冷、成本低等优点,有广泛的军用和民用市场,是热成像技术的发展方向。

    Due to the advantages of light weight , cryogen needlessness and low cost , the uncooled infrared focal plane arrays ( IRFPAs ) is rapidly developing for wide commercial and military applications .

  25. 股动脉切除术4周后,采用非致冷红外热成像仪分别检测大鼠后肢皮肤温度、免疫组织化学检测缺血肌肉组织毛细血管密度,观察缺血肢体血管再生情况。

    Four weeks after the femoral arteries excisions , the skin temperature of hind limb was measured with infrared thermography . The capillary density of the ischemic muscular tissue was measured by immunohistochemistry to observe the formation of new blood vessels .

  26. 红外超光谱成像仪电路的设计与仿真红外显微分光光度学

    Design and Simulation of the Circuit of Infrared Hyper-spectral Imaging Spectrometer

  27. 智能化红外成像光斑测试仪的研究

    Study of measuring instrument for an intelligent infrared imaging facula

  28. 研制成一种集光、机、电、算于一体的智能化的红外成像光斑测试仪。

    An intelligent instrument based on infrared guidance head system consists of optical , mechanical , electronic and computer technologies for measuring infrared imaging facula .

  29. 红外焦平面热成像仪参数测试系统

    Parameter Testing System for Infrared Focal-plane Thermal Imaging Systems

  30. 黑河试验中机载红外广角双模式成像仪的设计及实现

    Design and Implementation of Airborne Wide-angle Infrared Dual-mode Line / area Array Scanner in Heihe Experiment