
  • 网络infrared systems;SBIRS-HIGH;SBIRS;SBIRS High
  1. 红外系统中的扫描型和凝视型FPA

    The Scanning and Starring FPA in Infrared Systems

  2. 基于小波分析的实时红外系统目标检测的研究与实现

    Target Detection of Real-time Infrared Systems Based on Wavelet Analysis

  3. 激光对红外系统输出信号的干扰时间不但与滤光片/探测器吸收入射光能量产生的热效应有关,而且还主要取决于信号处理电路RC时间常数的影响。

    When laser irradiates IR system , the disturbance time of output signal is not only related with thermal effects generated by absorbed power of detector and filter , but also related with the time constant of RC in IR system .

  4. 红外系统的2D-TDI方法及其增强处理

    2d-tdi technique of infrared system and image enhancement

  5. 红外系统对入射激光的回射特性研究

    Research on back reflected characteristics of incidence laser In IR system

  6. 非接触式智能卡门锁红外系统的设计

    Design of an Infrared System for Noncontact Smart Card Lock

  7. 论红外系统标定体系精度的走向

    The Discussion on the Tendency of The Precision of Infrared Calibration System

  8. 红外系统中积累检测技术的理论推算与实施

    Accumulating detection technique in infrared system & calculation and Practice

  9. 这一检测方法适用于具有摄影系统的光电测量设备的红外系统和电视系统等其它分系统动态测角误差的检测。

    The method is applicable for infrared and TV imaging system s. etc.

  10. 红外系统后向反射光的光强研究

    The research of laser intensity reflected from infrared system

  11. 用红外系统在线测量表面全热流的研究

    A study of on-line measurement of surface total heat flow with infra-red system

  12. 分布孔径红外系统的研究现状及其展望

    The Sate of the Art and Future Vision of the Distributed-Aperture Infrared Sensor System

  13. 实时红外系统图像动态显示的研究

    Study on Image Dynamic Display of Infrared System

  14. 红外系统作用距离的实验测试方法

    Test Method of Detection Range for IR System

  15. 这样,各种红外系统的灵敏度方程就需要修正。

    Thus , the sensibility equations of various infrared systems have to be modified .

  16. 红外系统波段特性比较

    Performance Comparison of Two Infrared Wave Bands

  17. 用激光红外系统检测隐藏的焊接接头缺陷

    Hidden Solder-Joint Defects Detected By Laser-Infrared System

  18. 美国弹道导弹防御系统的红外系统与技术的发展

    Status quo and trend of infrared system and technologies for America ′ s ballistic missile defense system

  19. 结果表明:激光对红外系统的干扰效果与红外目标源的强度成反比。

    Results show that the effects of laser interference on IR system is opposite to IR source intensity .

  20. 根据衍射光学理论分析了红外系统后向反射光强的分布。

    According to the theory of diffraction , the intensity distribution of laser reflected from infrared system is analyzed .

  21. 论红外系统距离方程中大气透过率对距离的影响

    On the Atmospheric Transmittance τ a in the Range Equation of IR Systems and the Correct Solution of Range R

  22. 本文的创新点在于运用拉格朗日动力学方程解决了红外系统的振动噪声问题,并在工程中予以成功应用。

    The problem of vibrating noise of IR system is solved by using LAGRANGE dynamic equation and the method is applied in practice successfully .

  23. 该反射镜组的优点在于能够适用于不同的工作波段范围,尤其适用于红外系统。

    It is theoretically proved that this mirror assembly can be applied in kinds of optical systems with different wavelength range , especially suitable for working in infrared system .

  24. 介绍了用最大熵谱分析,红外系统及光纤&红外系统,通过磨削火花温度,对磨削表面层烧伤进行在线控制的研究。

    A method to study for on-line controlling or monitoring the burn of ground surface layer via grinding spark temperature by the maximum entropy spectrum and infrared system and optical fibre / infrared system is proposed .

  25. 因此,CPLD器件在红外遥控系统中具有重要的实用价值。

    So CPLD has an important practical value in infrared remote-control system .

  26. 通过对TOD法进行分析,阐述了TOD法的基本思想,研究了TOD曲线和TOD准则的产生机理及其在红外成像系统现场性能评估方面的实现方法。

    The generation principle of TOD curve and TOD criteria is discussed , and how to predict the IR imaging system field performance is illustrated .

  27. 第三章的主要内容是:根据上一章的图像算法,完成非制冷红外成像系统的硬件设计,硬件系统包括:AD数据采集模块,图像处理模块和视频合成模块;

    In the third part of the article , we designed the hardware of uncooled infrared imaging system to meet the goal of image algorithm , which include AD data acquire module , image processing module and video synthesize module .

  28. SBIRS-low卫星红外探测系统探测距离分析

    An analysis of range of the infrared detecting system in SBIRS-low satellites

  29. 在仔细研究反射镜结构特点的基础上,提出了一种基于单目标有约束极小化模型的反射镜结构优化算法,利用有限元工程分析软件ANSYS对某空间红外光学系统反射镜进行了轻量化设计。

    A new method for structural optimization of mirror based on minimizing model was brought forward through investigation on structure layout characteristic of mirror , and light-weighting design of a certain mirror of a space infrared optical system was accomplished using finite element analysis engineering tool ANSYS .

  30. 当取最高反射次数为4次,衍射级为0到±5级时,运行时间在1s以内,成功地分析了该红外光学系统的鬼像。

    The running time is less than 1s with the maximum reflection times of 4 and the diffraction order of 0 to ± 5 , successfully analyzing the condition of ghost images of the system .