
  1. 采用XRF便携式分析仪进行铁合金主元素的快速分析研究,拓展了该类仪器在矿产调查领域以外的应用。

    The application of XRF portable analyzer in rapid analysis of the main element of ferroalloy has extended the application of this type of instrument to outside the mineral investigation field .

  2. 探讨甲醛便携式分析仪与实验室分析的可比性

    Discussion on Comparability of Formaldehyde Portable Analyzer and Laboratory Analysis

  3. 以上案例说明,便携式分析仪如又一层安全屏障,对保护公司文档及机密个人信息的安全大有帮助。

    As the above scenarios show , a portable analyzer adds another layer of security that helps keeps corporate documents and sensitive personal information safe .

  4. 便携式分析仪在环境突发性事件能进行快速现场分析,为应急处理及时提供了依据,但在定量上存在一定误差。

    Portable analyzer can rapidly analyze the pollutant in environmental sudden accident , and provide the data for emergency treatment , but some error exists in quantitative .

  5. 该研究可用于制作微型化便携式DNA分析仪,应用于临床诊断、疾病筛查等领域。

    A portable microfluidic device for DNA analysis can be developed for clinical diagnosis and disease screening .

  6. 基于DSP的便携式振动分析仪

    Portable Vibration-measuring Instrument Based on DSP

  7. 便携式XRF分析仪快速测定主元素Fe含量

    Portable XRF Analyzer Used for Determining the Content of Main Element Fe

  8. 方法:使用便携式红外线分析仪和国标规定方法对CO、CO2进行现场监测。

    Method : The concentration of CO and CO2 were monitored on the spots with portable infrared detector and national standard method .

  9. 方法:分别使用便携式甲醛分析仪和AHMT比色法同时对室内空气中甲醛浓度进行测定。

    Methods : The formaldehyde concentration in indoor air was measured simultaneously using the portable formaldehyde analyzer and AHMT method , respectively .

  10. 方法应用酚试剂比色法与美国INTERSCAN公司提供的4160型便携式甲醛分析仪进行了现场测试,并对测试结果进行配对t检验。

    Methods The concentrations of formaldehyde were determined using the phenol reagent method and 4160-type portable formaldehyde analyzer ( supplied by INTERSCAN ) in site , and the results were tested by matched data t-test .

  11. 便携式水质分析仪的技术特点和质量保证

    Technical Features of Potable Water Quality Analyzer and Quality Assured

  12. 便携式心音分析仪的研制

    The development of a portable phonocardiogram analysis instrument

  13. 前言:目的:研究电化学原理便携式甲醛分析仪测定数据的准确性。

    Objective : To study the data ′ s accuracy using portable formaldehyde analyzer .

  14. 便携式水质分析仪的研制

    Developing an Portable Instrument for Water Analysis

  15. 便携式天线分析仪

    A Portable Antenna Analyzer pattern

  16. 电化学原理便携式甲醛分析仪对居室甲醛浓度测定准确性的研究

    Study on data ′ s accuracy using portable formaldehyde analyzer by electrochemistry principle for measuring formaldehyde concentration of indoor air

  17. 网络工程师使用便携式集成分析仪深入交换机观察每一个交换机端口上的活动情况。

    The network engineer uses a portable integrated analyzer to drill into the switch and view the activity on each switch port .

  18. 比较了便携式烟气分析仪和在线式烟气连续监测分析仪的使用特点、测量原理以及检定、校准方法。

    The characteristics , measurement principle , verification and calibration method of handy flue gas analyzer and on-line flue gas analyzer were compared .

  19. 介绍了我们研制的便携式天线分析仪的工作原理、设计思想及其在天线测量中的应用。

    Operating mechanism and design thought of a portable antenna analyzer developed by us are described in this paper . Its application on the antenna measurement is also presented .

  20. 从事这些开创性研究的科学家也缺乏先进设备,比如当今的便携式频谱分析仪,来研究植物在分子层面上对电的反应。

    The scientists in these pioneering studies also lacked advanced equipment , such as today 's portable spectrum analyzer , to study the plant 's response to electricity at the molecular level .

  21. 便携式心电分析仪研究对心血管疾病的早期预测及家庭医疗保健具有十分重要的意义,一直是生物医学工程领域的研究热点。

    The research of portable ECG analyzer is of great significance to the prediction of cardiovascular diseases and home healthcare , it is a hot research filed in biomedical engineering for a long time .

  22. 便携式振动分析仪作为振动监控系统的辅助部分,适用于测点分散且不需做连续监测的设备,能够为运行人员提供实时可靠的设备运行信息。

    Being an auxiliary part of vibration monitoring system , it can be used in equipments with decentralized measurement spots and without continuous monitoring , and it can supply real-time and credible information to operators .

  23. 利用便携式气体分析仪在内燃机测试台架上对柴油机按照工况试验循环进行了废气排放分析测试,并对测试结果的有效性进行了分析与评判。

    In this article , the portable exhaust gas analyzer is used to measure and analyse the constituents of the diesel engine emissions on the performance test platform for ICE . Furthermore it analyses and appraises the effectiveness of the testing results .

  24. 基于Linux的便携式数据采集分析仪的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Portable Data-acquisition and Signal-Analysis Instrument Based on Linux

  25. 基于ARM处理器的便携式振动测量分析仪的设计

    Design of Portable Vibration Analyzer Based on ARM Processor

  26. 基于DSP的便携式信号采集分析仪的研究

    Design of Portable Data Collector / Analyzer Based DSP

  27. 基于FPGA的便携式数字频谱分析仪设计

    The Design of Portable Spectrum Analyzer Based on FPGA

  28. 论文基于Linux操作系统实现了一种便携式数据采集分析仪。

    A kind of portable data-acquisition and signal-analysis instrument based-on Linux is realized in this paper .

  29. 而由心电采集模块与DSP心电分析模块可组成一个便携式的心电分析仪,使用者更方便自由。

    The ECG acquisition module and the DSP ECG analysis module can form a portable ECG analyzer for users .

  30. 基于SoC的便携式智能光度分析仪的研制

    Development of Portable Intelligent Photometer Based on SoC