
  1. 他校对答案后便交了卷。

    He left the examination after he had proofread his answer .

  2. 她写下了这个故事,便交给我。

    She wrote the story , and then she gave it to me .

  3. 便交由法国的对手奥地利

    would go to France 's rivals in Austria .

  4. 它是有关我的夫人玛丽苏格兰女王的故事。她写下了这个故事,便交给我。

    It is the story of my lady Mary , Queen of Scots.She wrote the story , and then she gave it to me .

  5. 维纳斯试图杀死她,便交给了她一连串的任务,一个比一个更险更难。

    Wishing to destroy her , the goddess of love gave Psyche a series of tasks , each harder and more dangerous then the last .

  6. 剽窃在大学校园里日渐猖獗,越来越多的学生从网上下载论文,稍做修改便交给教授。

    Plagiarism has become even more widespread on campus with an increasing number of students downloading these from the Internet and submitting them to their professors with only minor changes .

  7. 你们念了这书信,便交给老底嘉的教会,叫他们也念。你们也要念从老底嘉来的书信。

    After this letter has been read to you , see that it is also read in the Church of the Laodiceans and that you in turn read the letter from laodicea .

  8. 你会喜欢上的,很快便能交到许多朋友。

    You 'll see that you 'll like it . you 'll make lots of friends soon .

  9. 喇叭手吹奏《夜间点名》,钥匙便被交到长驻长官(伦敦塔的最高负责官员)手里。

    A bugler sounds the Last Post and the keys are lodged with the Resident Governor , as the chief officer of the Tower is called .

  10. 客户只需要连接服务器端,将用于交换的业务报文进行提交或接收,具体的交换过程便可以完全交由EDI交换中心来完成,这相比较传统EDI的用户交互方式要简单和友好得多。

    So customers only need to submit or receive the exchanging messages , handing the specific exchange process to EDI system , which is much more simple and friendly than the traditional operation .

  11. 耶稣便把他交给他母亲。

    And he delivered him to his mother .

  12. 只因你仰赖耶和华,他便将他们交在你手里。

    Yet when you relied on the Lord , he delivered them into your hand .

  13. 所以当乔布斯在1955年出生时他们便将乔布斯交给人抚养

    so when Steve Jobs was born in 1955 , they put him up for adoption .

  14. 但最好是趁著年轻,便将一生交给基督去管理。

    But the best time is when we are young and can give a whole life to Christ .

  15. 当原稿被采用出版时,便将它交与一名编辑进行仔细校阅。

    When a manuscript has Been accepted for puBlication , it is passed to an editor for detailed scrutiny .

  16. 他从未见过这么漂亮的猛禽,于是便把它们交给自己的首席驯鹰人进行训练。

    He had never seen such beautiful falcons before , so he gave them to his chief falconer for training .

  17. 他看到号码显示是胡沙尔学校打来的,便把电话交给他的朋友艾哈迈德·沙赫,请他帮忙接一下。

    He recognised the number as the Khushal School and passed the phone to his friend Ahmad Shah to answer .

  18. 业主在招标阶段,选择承包商。签订总承包合同后,项目业主便把项目完全交给咨询工程师来管理。

    After tendering procedure , the Employer entrusts the Engineer to manage the project .

  19. 然后,后羿舍不得离开妻子,便把长生不老药交给嫦娥珍藏。

    So he gave the elixir to Chang E to treasure for the time being .

  20. 我们亲爱的劳勃国王有太多事情需要操心,瓦里斯说,所以便将鸡毛蒜皮小事交给我们,以减轻负担。

    Our good King Robert has many cares , Varys said . He entrusts some small matters to us , to lighten his load .

  21. 他便去拿来,交给他母亲。他母亲就照他父亲所爱的作成美味。

    And he went , and fetched , and brought them to his mother : and his mother made savoury meat , such as his father loved .