
  1. 将您的便携式和笔记本计算机从插接站中移除。

    Removes your laptop or notebook computer from a docking station .

  2. AlexBochannek:“今天我们所说的便携式电脑就是笔记本电脑。但是奥斯本1型像缝纫机那么大,重达24磅。所以,能够拿起这样一台电脑就能帮助我们的游客理解三十年前做到便携是多么困难。”

    ALEX BOCHANNEK : " We think of portable computers today as laptops . But the Osborne One was about the size of a sewing machine and weighed twenty-four pounds . So , just being able to pick one of those up will help our visitors understand how difficult portability was about thirty years ago . "

  3. 个人计算机越来越广泛的使用,其中更重要的是便携式或“笔记本”计算机的使用。

    The increasingly widespread use of personal computers , and , more important , of laptop or " notebook " computers .

  4. 同时,由于高速无线通信技术的出现以及器件快速小型化,许多便携式设备如:笔记本电脑,移动电话,PDA,以及各种信息家电也接入到网络中来。

    Meanwhile , with rapid component miniaturization and the emergence of high-speed wireless communication , various devices like notebook computer , mobile phones , PDAs and other information home appliances are connected to the networks too .

  5. 便携式计算机装置由笔记本电脑及软件系统组成。

    The last one is portable computer device consisted of notebook PC and corresponding software .