
  • 网络Fook Lam Moon;Oriental Pearl
  1. 在香港的福临门,节日期间的高价招牌菜包括售价1000港元(合129美元)的炖甲鱼。

    At Fook Lam Moon in Hong Kong , pricey signature dishes for the festive season include a braised turtle number that costs 1,000 Hong Kong dollars ( US $ 129 ) .

  2. 福临门一位经理MichelleChui说,预订数量经过2009年的下滑后,今年已经回升。福临门在全亚洲开有九家高端粤菜馆。

    Reservations have bounced back this year after a dip in 2009 , said Michelle Chui , a manager at Fook Lam Moon , which operates nine high-end Cantonese restaurants across Asia .

  3. 在春节期间,福临门香港两家酒楼的订餐情况都很不错,而据Chui表示,需求在很大程度上是由到香港过节的大陆食客推动的。

    The chain 's two Hong Kong restaurants are booked solid over the New Year season , and Ms. Chui says demand is largely fueled by mainland Chinese diners holidaying in the city .

  4. 福临门小包装食用油发展前景及对策研究

    The Development Prospects and Countermeasures for the Edible Oil FORTUNE of Small Package

  5. 在鲁花涨价的消息公开后,迫于外界压力,鲁花集团不得不撤回涨价函。益海嘉里与中粮福临门递交涨价申请也变得更为低调。

    After Luhua 's rise was reported , the group had to cancel the move due to public pressure and Yihai Kerry and COFCO also eased their hike move .

  6. 最后,论文提出了实施差异化营销策略及充分发挥资源效益的方案,来进一步增强福临门小包装食用油品牌在福建发展的市场竞争力及保障其持续健康地发展。

    Finally , the thesis putting forward the implementation of differentiation strategy , and the plan of full playing to the resource-efficient , which furthered the development of market competitiveness of FORTUNE edible oil brand in Fujian and safeguarded the good development of their sustainability .