
  • 网络Econazole
  1. 目的研究唑类抗真菌药物益康唑(Ec)的抗白血病作用及其机制。

    Objective To investigate the anti-leukemic role of econazole ( Ec ) and the mechanism .

  2. 益康唑和克霉唑对血小板聚集及TXB2和PGE2生成的影响

    Effects of econazole and clotrimazole on platelet aggregation and TXB_2 and PGE_2 production in platelets

  3. 方法以半合成脂肪酸甘油脂为基质制备硝酸益康唑栓,以HPLC法测定本品中硝酸益康唑的含量。

    Methods Econazole nitrate suppositories were prepared and determined by the HPLC .

  4. 结论硝酸益康唑栓工艺可行,HPLC法测定本品中硝酸益康栓的含量可作为控制本品质量的指标。

    Determination of econazole nitrate suppositories by HPLC can be used as method of econazole nitrate suppositories .

  5. 方法:建立了用色谱预处理柱除磷脂测定脂质体中药物含量的HPLC法,并用此法测定了硝酸益康唑的溶解度和分配系数。

    METHODS The HPLC determination of the drug content in liposome was developed the drug solubility and partition coefficients were determined .

  6. 酵母培养物益康xp对母猪繁殖性能的影响

    Effect of Yeast Culture Yikang " xp " on Reproductive Performance of Sows

  7. 结果硝酸益康唑的平均回收率为100.1%,RSD为1.13%。

    Results The average of recovery and RSD were 100.1 % and 1.13 % respectively .

  8. 益康XP对奶牛产后日粮适应及生产性能影响的研究

    Effect of Yeast Culture XP on Adaptation of Cows to Postpartum Diets and on Lactational Performance

  9. 结论尘螨是AD的主要变应原,卡介菌多糖核酸联合曲安奈德益康唑乳膏治疗AD的疗效优于单用曲安奈德益康唑乳膏。

    Conclusions Dust mites are the most common allergens in AD. Combined BCG-PSN and triamcinolone acetonide and econazole nitrate cream therapy is superior to triamcinolone acetonide and econazole nitrate cream only .

  10. 所以,对于那些能够拼写出IPO的人,可以读读关于汉能的头条,但也别忘了益康国际这样的小故事。

    So those of you who can spell IPO : by all means , read the Hanergy headlines - but don 't forget the Sorbic small print .

  11. 咪康唑和益康唑的PEG-400连续催化N-和O-烷基化反应制备

    Preparation of Miconazole and Econazole by PEG-400 Catalyzed Reactions of Tandem N - and O-Alkylation

  12. 硝酸益康唑滴耳液对标准和临床分离白色念珠菌的MIC为2μg/ml和4μg/ml。

    The in vitro antimycotic MICs of econazole nitrate in ear-drops were 2 μ g / ml and 4 μ g / ml against standard and clinically isolated strains of Candida albicans respectively .

  13. 目的为了研究益康唑(Econazole)诱导鼠粒单核白血病细胞WEHI-3凋亡的机制。

    Objective : To investigate apoptosis in mouse leukemia cell ( WEHI-3 ) induced by Econazole and its mechanism .

  14. 益康唑的MIC50和MIC90值相近。

    The MIC_ ~ 50 and MIC_ ~ 90 of econazole against staphylococci were close to each other .

  15. 看一下益康国际(Sorbicinternational)的案例:这家伦敦上市的中国食品防腐剂企业市值仅150万英镑,但其问题大到足以让任何人在决定到一个公司治理仍深陷清朝水平的国家开展业务之前三思。

    Consider the case of Sorbic International : a London-listed Chinese food preservatives company with a market capitalisation of only £ 1.5m but a problem big enough to make anyone think twice about going into business in a country where corporate governance is stuck somewhere back in the Qing dynasty .

  16. 方法:68例肛周湿疹病人分为2组:复方益康唑乳膏组34例(男性20例,女性14例,年龄28a±s10a);

    METHODS : The sixty-eight patients with eczema around anus were divided into two groups . Compound econazole cream group of thirty-four patients ( M 20 , F 14 ; age 28 a ± s 10 a ) was treated with compound econazole cream ;

  17. 复方益康唑乳膏与咪康唑乳膏治疗体股癣疗效比较

    Econazole compound cream vs miconazole cream in treating tinea corporis cruris

  18. 三阶导数光谱法测定肤宁乳膏中硝酸益康唑的含量

    Determination of Econazole Nitrate in Funing Ointment by Third Order Derivative Spectrometry

  19. 复方硝酸益康唑软膏治疗浅部真菌病疗效观察

    Therapeutic Observation of Econazole Compund Ointment on Treatment of Dermatophytosis

  20. 硝酸益康栓制备工艺与质量控制

    Preparation and quality control of econazole nitrate suppositories

  21. 曲安奈德益康唑乳膏治疗糖尿病患者湿疹35例临床观察

    Clinical Study on Peverson for the Treatment of Eczema in 35 Cases Diabetes Patients

  22. 复方益康唑乳膏治疗肛周湿疹

    Compound econazole cream in treating eczema around anus

  23. 目的:制备复方益康唑滴耳液并测定其含量。

    Objective : To prepare the compound econazole ear drops and determine the contents .

  24. 目的:建立以三阶导数光谱法测定肤宁乳膏中硝酸益康唑含量的方法。

    OBJECTIVE : To determine econazole nitrate in Funing ointment by third order derivative spectrometry .

  25. 硝酸益康唑微囊化技术研究

    Studies on Techniques of Econazole Nitrate Microcapsule

  26. 目的建立复方硝酸益康唑乳膏含量测定的方法。

    Objective To establish an HPLC method for the assay of compound econazole nitrate cream .

  27. 曲安奈德益康唑乳膏联合1%联苯苄唑乳膏治疗念珠菌性包皮龟头炎

    Therapeutic Effect of 1 % Bifonazole Cream and Triamcinolone Acetonide and Econazole Cream on Candidal Balanoposthitis

  28. 采用渗透法,在相同条件下,测定硝酸益康唑栓剂和硝酸益康唑微胶囊的累积释放百分率。

    The overall release rates of econazole nitrate in the suppository and microcapsule were measured by osmosis .

  29. 硝酸益康唑微胶囊的制备及性能研究

    Microcapsule characteristics of econazole nitrate

  30. 目的:建立硝酸益康唑滴耳液的制备及质量控制方法。

    Objective : to establish the preparation process and method of quality control of econazole nitrate ear-drops .