
  1. 目的:建立丹曲林钠的质量控制方法。

    Objective : To develop a method for assay of dantrolene sodium .

  2. 结论:对慢性前列腺炎伴抑郁状态患者,给予米诺环素治疗慢性前列腺炎的同时,给予舍曲林抗抑郁治疗,能取得良好的综合疗效。

    Conclusion : Sertraline can enhance the treatment effect of minocycline for chronic prostatitis complicated with depression .

  3. 通过对越桔&偃松矮曲林经营试验和进行松籽产量调查,进行了经营对其松籽产量影响的分析。

    Through the experiments of Vaccinium vitis-idaea & Pinus pumila elfin forest and investigations on pine-nut yield , the effect of management on pine-nut yield was analyzed .

  4. 醋酸曲普瑞林对子宫腺肌病在位内膜细胞VEGF、TNF-α分泌的影响

    Effect of Triptorelin on release of VEGF and TNF - α in endometrial cells from patients with adenomyosis

  5. 醋酸曲普瑞林对人子宫内膜腺癌HEC-1B的作用及对C-myc表达的调控

    Effect of triptorelin acetate on human endometrial carcinoma cell line HEC-1B and expression of C-myc

  6. 目的比较3种早期停用曲普瑞林方案与改良的曲普瑞林长方案在体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)和卵母细胞单精子显微注射(ICSI)中的效果。

    Objective To compare the efficacy of 3 early cessation protocols with the modified long protocol of triptorelin in IVF-ET and ICSI .

  7. 醋酸曲普瑞林对子宫内膜腺癌HEC-1B细胞的作用

    Effect of triptorelin acetate on endometrial adenocarcinoma HEC-1B cell

  8. pH值和样品纯度之间的关系呈V型曲线,曲普瑞林和奥曲肽的最稳定pH值分别为5.0和4.0。

    The curve based on relationship between the pH ( 2.2-8.0 ) and the sample purity takes on V shape . The maximum stability of triptorelin and octreotide was showed to be at an approximate pH of 5.0 and 4.0 respectively .

  9. 目的探讨应用曲普瑞林(triptorelin)在试管内受精(IVF)中的降调节作用及其与使用促性腺激素用量的关系。

    Objective To study the down-regulation and the effect of triptorelin on the total dosage of gonadotrophins in in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) .

  10. Tibotec公司决定修改依曲韦林的警告信息是基于2例涉及严重反应的上市后报告。

    Tibotec decided to revise the warnings on the basis of2 postmarketing reports of severe reactions .

  11. 醋酸曲普瑞林和醋酸奥曲肽液体制剂稳定性的研究

    Study on Stability of Triptorelin Acetate and Octreotide Acetate Liquid Formulation

  12. 曲普瑞林治疗真性性早熟的中枢机制

    Central mechanism of triptorelin therapeutic effects on female precocious puberty in rats

  13. 二级药物检查为阿莫曲替林阳性。

    A second drug screen was positive for amitriptyline .

  14. 曲普瑞林在试管内受精中的降调节作用及对促性腺激素用量的影响

    Triptorelin ′ s down-regulation in in vitro fertilization and its influence on the gonadotrophin dosage

  15. 拉莫三嗪对脑卒中后中枢性疼痛的疗效研究曲普瑞林治疗真性性早熟的中枢机制

    Study on treatment of central post-stroke pain using lamotrigine Central mechanism of triptorelin therapeutic effects on female precocious puberty in rats

  16. 方法采用多中心的前瞻性随机对照临床研究,于2002年12月&2004年3月,将确诊的125例子宫肌瘤患者随机分为研究组,63例,接受臀部肌内注射曲普瑞林3.75mg治疗;

    Methods A multi-center , prospective , randomly controlled clinical trial was carried out from Dec. 2002 to Mar. 2004 in three university hospitals .