
  1. 组建若干国有资本运营公司,支持有条件的国有企业改组为国有资本投资公司。

    Establish a number of State-owned capital operating companies and back the transformation of qualified State-owned enterprises into State-owned investment companies .

  2. 完善国有资产管理体制,准确界定不同国有企业功能,推进国有资本投资运营公司试点。

    We will improve the system for managing state-owned assets , clearly define the functions of different SOEs , and carry out trials of investing state capital in corporate operations .

  3. 我国国有资本经营管理体制的基本框架是政府、国有资本经营管理委员会、国有资本投资公司之间的授权经营。

    The basic framework of China 's state owned capital system is the delegated operation between governments , management and operation committees of state owned capital and state owned capital investment corporations .