
ɡuó jiā jiǎn chá jī ɡuān
  • State procuratorial organs;state prosecuting organizations;state prosecutorial apparatus;state prosecutorial organizations
  1. 为了保护民事公益,维护社会的和谐稳定,从国家检察机关到公民个人频繁地针对侵犯民事公益的行为向相关法院提起了诉讼。

    In order to protect the civilian public , to maintain social harmony and stability , prosecutors from the state to individual citizens often act against violations of civil public filed a lawsuit to the relevant court .

  2. 作者在考察一些国家检察机关提起民事诉讼制度的做法的基础上,结合中国检察机关的性质和现实国情,认为我国检察机关提起民事诉讼的范围应界定为损害国家和社会公共利益的案件。

    On the basic of the inspection of the system that the procuratorial organs raise civil lawsuits in other counties , I believe that the range of civil lawsuits raised by the procuratorial organs should be in the cases which harm national and social public interest .

  3. 建议建立我国环境公诉制度,以国家检察机关作为环境公益的代表,对损害或可能损害环境公益的民事行为或行政行为提起公诉,从而达到维护环境公益的目的。

    The dissertation also advises that we should establish the environmental public prosecution system in which the procuratorate serving as the representation of the environment public interest prosecute the person who have or want to damage the environment public interest so as to protect the environment interest .

  4. 侦察心理学侦察心理学国家最高检察机关侦查职能比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Investigation Functions of State Supreme Procuratorial Organs

  5. 职权方面,有些国家的检察机关不享有侦查权,起诉案件的范围和起诉裁量权幅度也各有不同;

    In the respect of function , procuratorial bodies of some countries are not entitled to the investigation .

  6. 英美系国家在检察机关或大陪审团起诉之后,设置了罪状认否程序。

    After the prosecutor or the grand jury initiates the prosecution , there is the procedure of arraignment .

  7. 然后考察了有关国家对检察机关职务犯罪侦查权监督制约的立法状况,总结其共同特点和对我国相关制度建设有借鉴意义之处。

    And then the supervision and restriction status of legislation of duty crimes are reviewed and summarized common characteristics .

  8. 因此,我国民事诉讼立法应借鉴国外尤其是西方国家关于检察机关在民事诉讼中的职权规定,对我国检察机关的职权重新界定。

    As a result , we should redefine the authority of our procuratorial institution by using the experience in this field abroad for reference .

  9. 目前大陆法系和英美法系主要国家的检察机关在干预民事诉讼方面都有先进经验可供借鉴。

    Currently , the prosecutorial organs of the main civil law and common law countries have advanced experience of intervening the civil actions to learn .

  10. 检察权是国家赋予检察机关对宪法、法律的统一和正确执行进行监督的权力,是国家权力在社会生活中的体现。

    Prosecutorial power is the right that the state has granted the prosecution to supervise the unification and the proper implementation of the Constitution and law . It is the state power embodied in the social life .

  11. 《人民的名义》深受瞩目的原因,不仅在于其坦率地揭露出了中国政治丑陋一面,同时也在于它蕴含着国家最高检察机关惩治腐败的强大决心。

    What makes In The Name of the People remarkable is not just how frankly it depicts the ugly side of Chinese politics , but that it also has the blessing of the country 's powerful top prosecutors ' office .

  12. 1法律监杆权朴为一种专门的国家权力由检察机关来行使。

    Law supervision power is implemented by procuratorial orga-nization as a special state power .

  13. 本文立足于国际通行做法和国内实践需要,倾向于赋予国家公诉机关检察机关以提起环境民事公益诉讼的权利(力),即建立环境民事公诉制度。

    Therefore , the system of environmental civil public prosecution should be established as soon as possible in our country , which endows the prosecutor with rights ( or powers ) of bringing civil actions in a certain scope .

  14. 世界范围内的法治国家为了加强对检察机关公诉权的制约,大多都建立了庭前审查程序,有的称为预审程序。

    The preliminary hearing procedure is established in many countries for the sake of strengthening restrict of The procuratorial organs public prosecution , and it is also called pre-trial process .

  15. 尽管各国在历史背景、社会制度上有所差异,在对公共利益的保护上,大多数国家都规定了检察机关提起公益诉讼,只是在范围上不完全相同。

    Although there are differences in historical backgrounds , social systems among countries , in protecting public interests , most countries prescribe that procuratorial organs should bring Public welfare lawsuit , and only the limits are not the same .

  16. 大陆法系国家与英美法系国家的检察机关作为国家的公诉机关,均享有公诉职权,但二者拥有的职权范围和起诉裁量权不同。

    The procuratorial organs in both the continental legal system countries and British-and-American legal system countries share the prosecution rights as the national prosecution organs , but they differ in the duty range and prosecution discretion .