
zhènɡ fǎ jī ɡuān
  • judicial agencies
  1. 判决原则,由中央政法机关另定。

    The judgment principle shall be otherwise stated by the Central Judicial organ .

  2. 城乡基层组织对人的管理、控制能力弱化;打击的软弱性和对政法机关的依赖性问题同时存在;

    Capacity of management and control to citizens by lower level is feeble .

  3. 灾害爆发后,一定要迅速恢复和强化政法机关的职能活动,组织群众开展群防群治。

    Reviving and strengthening the function of the law enforcement agencies in organizing mass prevention-control ;

  4. 军队、武警部队、政法机关与企业脱钩中小企业是我国技术创新的生力军。

    The army , armed police and procuratorial , judicial and public security organs have severed their ties with enterprises SMEs are the main force of the technological innovation in our country .

  5. 这是由于包括官僚和管理人员在内的大多数人–不问是在工商界还是在政法机关工作的-对变更姓名的“使用”法的有效性一无所知或缺乏信任。

    Because most people , including bureaucrats and administrators , both in business and in government agencies , are ignorant ( or suspicious ) of the validity of the Usage name changes .

  6. 完善政法经费保障机制,为政法机关正常开展工作提供必要条件。

    Normal operating condition The funding mechanism for procuratorial , judicial and public security organs will be improved in order to ensure their smooth operation .