
  • 网络policy initiatives;policy initiation;policy advocacy
  1. 义工可以协助我们举办筹款、政策倡议及社区教育等活动。

    Volunteers can help at our fundraising events , advocacy campaigns and public education programmes .

  2. 这似乎是对普及纯电动汽车的政策倡议失败采取的务实对策。

    That appears to be a pragmatic response to the collapse of a key policy initiative .

  3. 卫生人员移徙政策倡议还帮助世界卫生组织制订、谈判和实施国际执业准则草案。

    HWMI also supports the WHO in development , negotiation and implementation of the draft code of practice .

  4. 张亦敏为乐施会政策倡议及传讯部职员。

    Stephanie Cheung is a member of the Policy , Campaigns and Communications Unit of Oxfam Hong Kong .

  5. 其政治参与的策略主要包括草根参与的社区策略、建立联盟和政策倡议。

    The tactics of political participation include community tactics participated by people , the establishment of alliance and policy proposition .

  6. 与此同时,文中还着重讨论了国际机构政策倡议的变革,成本分担的替代选择以及在寻求政府和家庭之间教育经费分担平衡时所必须考虑的主要因。

    Although in most societies governments are commonly expected to bear the major burden of financing education , they commonly share this burden with households , communities and others .

  7. 卫生人员移徙政策倡议由卫生人员移徙全球政策顾问委员会和技术工作组组成。全球顾问委员会的秘书处是实现权利组织,技术工作组的秘书处是世界卫生组织。

    The HWMI is composed of the Health Worker Migration Global Policy Advisory Council , whose secretariat is Realizing Rights , and the Technical Working Group , whose secretariat is WHO .

  8. 有些人认为英国脱欧后会实施优先贸易政策倡议,可能不再给中国带来挑战,目前欧盟仍是中国最大贸易伙伴,而英国是中国在欧盟内的第5大贸易伙伴。

    Some have suggested that Brexit may creating challenges for Chinese authorities prioritizing its trade policy initiatives , as the EU remains China 's top trading partner , while Britain is the 5th largest trading partner within the EU at the moment .

  9. JeanBlaylock是ACORD的政策与倡议顾问。

    Jean Blaylock is a Policy and Advocacy Advisor with ACORD .

  10. 同时,申请人必须学业成绩优秀并且能够证明她们致力于教学、科研或把科学应用到对公众有益政策的倡议上。

    Candidates must hold an excellent academic record and be able to evidence their commitment to teaching , research or using science in public policy advocacy .

  11. 两个全球最大经济体的领导人应该把注意力集中在规模足以令经济出现明显增长的政策和倡议上,同时,这样的政策和倡议又要避免因太过宏大而无法实现。

    Leaders of the two largest economies in the world should focus on policies and initiatives big enough to result in meaningful economic growth but modest enough to be achieved .

  12. 苹果负责环境、政策和社会倡议的副总裁LisaJackson表示,合作将让Sunseap获得完成该太阳能项目的融资。

    The Apple partnership will also give Sunseap financing to complete the solar project , said Lisa Jackson , Apple 's vice president of Environment , Policy and Social Initiatives .

  13. 本周,新的对内政策“美国梦倡议”提出了。

    This week came the domestic-policy sequel : " the American dream initiative " .