
  • 网络political value
  1. 分析了政治价值观的组成内容及其形成规律。

    Analyzes the political values of the content and form and law .

  2. 新经济政策时期列宁论党的政治价值观《政治经济学批判》

    Lenin s Ideas of the Party s Political Values during the Period of New Economic Policy ;

  3. 春秋时期伦理政治价值观的转向

    Transformation in Political Values during the Spring and Autumn Period

  4. 论党的执政能力和政治价值观建设

    On the Construction of the Party 's Governing Competence and the Political Value

  5. 海峡两岸青年政治价值观异同比较

    A comparison between youths of Mainland and Taiwan in their views of political value

  6. 后金融危机时期大学生政治价值观变动的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of the Undergraduates ' Political Value Changes in the Post-Financial Crisis Period

  7. 这无疑是该地区民众自身政治价值观现代化的有力佐证。

    This undoubtedly was powerful evidence of the modern political values of the people in the region .

  8. 两国关系的三个基本点安全担忧、经济信条和政治价值观均不一致。

    The three pillars of the relationship security concerns , economic beliefs and political values were misaligned .

  9. 网络文化对大学生政治价值观的负面影响及构建策略

    The Negative Impact of the Internet Culture on the Political Values of University Students and Its Relative Strategies

  10. 开放状态下大学生政治价值观结构形态的定位研究

    A Study of Position on the Structural Formation of University Students ' Political Value Concepts under the Open Policies

  11. 因为艺术不仅反映一个民族的政治价值观,还反映出他们的宗教信仰、情感等等。

    Because art reflects not only the political values of a people , but also their religious beliefs , emotions etc.

  12. 网络时代大学生政治价值观建构中的风险问题探析

    The Countermeasures of the Risk Problems in the Construction of the Political Sense of Worth for College Students in the Cyber Ages

  13. 政治价值观是政治文化的核心,政治价值观决定着人们对政治角色、政治态度、政治行为的选择。

    The political value , the core of political culture , determines people 's choice of political role , political attitude and political behavior .

  14. 在横向上,从人生价值观、政治价值观、道德价值观、职业价值观、婚恋价值观五个层面对青年知识分子价值观的演变进行了阐述。

    On a horizontal plane , it interpreted the values of youth intellectuals ' development from values of life , politics , morals , occupation to loves .

  15. 重点分析了大学生政治价值观形成的教育、环境、个人三维规律和渐进性规律。

    It focuses on the three-dimensional rules ( education , environment and individual ) which have influence on the formation of political values as well as the progressive laws .

  16. 三是要加强大学生的核心价值观即人生价值观、政治价值观和道德价值观的教育;

    Then strength must be put on college students ' core value outlook , that is , the value outlook on life , on politics , and on moral .

  17. 作为这个新国家基础的文化与政治价值观,与白人美国的价值观相对立,从而实现了彻底摆脱西方种族主义压迫的目标。

    This new nation would be founded upon cultural and political values antithetical to those of white America , thus realizing the goal of complete freedom from Western racism .

  18. 政治价值观教育是现今高校大学生价值观教育的重要组成部分,因此也成为目前思想政治教育领域的研究热点。

    The education of political value is an important part of university students ' value education , and it is also the popular subject among ideological and political education nowadays .

  19. 但是,艺术史的重点是远远超过这一点,因为艺术不仅反映在政治价值观的人民,而且宗教信仰,情绪和心理。

    But art history focuses on much more than this because art reflects not only the political values of a people , but also religious beliefs , emotions and psychology .

  20. 高校教育工作者必须积极采取相应的有效措施,确立国家意识,弘扬民族精神,构建起符合现代青年特点的正确的政治价值观。

    University educators must take active and effective measures to establish national consciousness and advocate the national spirit so as to build up correct political values for the modern youth .

  21. 但随着我国社会的整体转型,西北少数民族的政治价值观、政治态度、政治人格、政治认同、政治社会化、政治行为等方面都正在发生深刻变化。

    However , in process of social transformation in our country , their political value , political attitude , political identity , political socialization and political conduct have changed greatly .

  22. 我国一直高度重视大学生的价值观教育,而政治价值观教育是一项非常重要的组成部分。

    China always regards the values education as an important content of College students ' ideological and political education , the political values education is an important aspect of it .

  23. 第三部分:首先阐述了价值观的内涵,然后分别从影视文化对当代大学生的道德价值观、政治价值观、人生价值观以及审美价值观的影响四个方面来论述。

    Respectively discussing the film and television culture influence for the temporary college student from the moral values , political values , life values and aesthetic values , which contains the positive and negative impaction . 4 .

  24. 但是当我从。。。。。。,不是我的政治价值观,也不是我的宗教观,但是从公司的角度来说,什么行为是可以接受的,什么行为是不允许的。

    But when I thought about it in the context of * Not my political values , not my religious values , but in a corporate context , what are the things that are acceptable or not acceptable .

  25. 软实力作为同化性权力,它更重视文化的吸引力、政治价值观的吸引力,影响对方,发挥更好的沟通与合作的作用。

    The soft power , as a power of assimilability , attaches more importance to the cultural and political values ' attraction , and which is also used to influence others and play the role of communication and cooperation .

  26. 美国的金融扩张作为其对外战略中极为重要的一部分,实质在于向全世界推销它的政治价值观,扩展垄断利益,从而建立起以美国为主导的霸权秩序。

    American financial expansion , as an important part of its external strategy , is in essence to spread its political values over the world , and to extend its monopolist profits so as to establish a US-led hegemonist order .

  27. 一些学者认为此不公现象在英语国家更严重,社会和政治价值观或许与此有关:在欧洲大陆和日本,其公司治理模式、税法和工会组织有助于减弱收入差距。

    Some scholars , noting that inequality has risen more in English-speaking countries , think social and political values may play a role : in mainland Europe and Japan , corporate governance , tax laws and unionisation have tended to lessen income disparities .

  28. 萨亚尔说,这些礼服“不仅是关于时尚,而且是关于一个用自己的衣橱塑造身份的女人”,她不仅想塑造同龄人的审美品位,而且想塑造他们的文化和政治价值观。

    Together the gowns are " about more than fashion , " Mr. Saillard said . " They are about a woman who built her own wardrobe to create an identity , " one that involved shaping not only the aesthetic tastes of her peers , but also their cultural and political values .

  29. 全球化与思想政治教育价值观的建构

    Globalization and the Construction of the Notion of Worthiness of the Education of Political Ideology

  30. 第三章从经济、政治和价值观三个角度详细分析公平贸易政策出现的原因。

    Chapter III detailed the reasons for fair trade policies appear from the perspective of economic , political and values .