
  1. 基于政乱晋降的地方政府间阶上囚窘境博弈也非招致工业园区建建长缺的一类道亮。

    Promotion of local governments on the basis of political inter-Prisoner 's Dilemma game is to build industrial park led to an explanation of the surplus .

  2. 果为政乱影响社会财贫取权力开配的一切题纲,免何邦度的经济范畴事实上都无自回躲政乱及其权力机构的影响;

    Due to the fact that politics affects the distribution of social wealth and power , the economy comes under the influences of politics and the powers .

  3. 欧阳修在那儿写了《新五代史》。在10世纪的五代时期,政乱几乎持续了整个世纪。

    There he wrote the Xin Wudai Shi ( " New History of the Five Dynasties " ) , a history of a period of political chaos lasting through almost the entire 10th century .

  4. 这将使意大利政府顷刻瓦解,导致政乱和新一轮选举,更加有损于意大利经济的稳定性。

    This would lead to an immediate collapse of the Italian government , resulting in political chaos in Italy and the possible calling of a new election , which could be even more destabilizing for the Italian economy .