
  1. 自2005年以来,FCC采用了四个政策性原则,以保证网络相关案例的执法。

    Since two thousand five , the F.C.C.has used four policy principles to guide its enforcement in cases related to the Internet .

  2. 税法原则可分为公德性原则和政策性原则。

    These principles can be divided into moral principles and policies .

  3. 在推进标准化工作中应遵循政策性原则,简化性原则,正确性原则,继承与创新原则和规范化原则。推行标准化工作应加强领导,狠抓落实;

    When it is being carried out , we must follow some principles , such as , simplicity , correctness , inheritance and innovation .

  4. 科研经费管理必须遵循政策性原则、经济原则、效益原则,实行系统化、信息化,积极发挥经费管理的激励作用。

    The management of funds for scientific research should follow the principles of policy , economy , efficiency , and its performance should be systematic and informational in order to give play to the stimulating function of the management of funds .

  5. 侦查讯问是一项政策性、原则性、法律性很强的工作。

    The investigation is a work full of policy , principle and law .

  6. 但我国证券投资者保护基金法律制度具有很强的政策性和原则性,在实践操作中存在很多问题。

    But the Chinese legal system of securities investor protection funds have strong policy and principle in practice , there are many problems .

  7. 普通高等学校学籍管理工作是学校教育教学管理的重要组成部分,也是一项政策性、原则性较强的管理工作。

    The school roll management is one of the most important work for the colleges or universities in their daily teaching and administrative work , and at the same time it is needed to pay much more attention to policy and the principles .

  8. 对经合组织、美国以及欧盟在电子商务环境下消费者保护的相关法律法规、政策、指导性原则以及我国相关立法进行介绍和说明。第四部分:提出构想建议部分。

    This part mainly introduces and explains the relevant laws and regulations , policies and guiding principles of consumer protection under e-commerce environment in the OECD , the United States and the European Union as well as our country related legislation . Part ⅳ: Suggestions proposed part .

  9. 与此同时,政策性银行也需要对自身的经营机制进行转变:一是应当在未来更多地依靠市场机制求得发展,但决不能背离政策性原则而片面追求商业化;

    At the same time , policy banks need change their own operating mechanism too : first , they should rely on the market mechanism to try to get and develop more in the future , but must not deviate from the policy principle and pursue commercialization one-sidedly ;