
  • 网络WBS;work breakdown structure;work breakdown structure WBS
  1. 提出一种基于任务分解结构的虚拟企业构建过程框架,包括市场机遇识别,总体目标任务确定、分解和分析,伙伴企业优化选择3个阶段。

    This paper proposes a configuration process of virtual enterprise ( VE ) based on work breakdown structure ( WBS ) . The process consists of three stages : market opportunity identification ; determination , decomposition and analysis of the overall goal and task ;

  2. 基于任务分解结构的虚拟企业构建过程研究

    Configuration Process of Virtual Enterprises Based on Work Breakdown Structures

  3. 基于任务分解结构的供应链合作伙伴优化选择

    Research into the algorithm of supply chain partner selection and optimization based on the work breakdown structures

  4. 项目模板管理主要负责对可复用的项目模板的管理,其目的是把项目的任务分解结构,资源分配结构等经验性的、可复用的信息保存起来,以减少重复劳动。

    Project template management 's duty is the management of reusable project template . The aim of project template is to save the WBS structure , resource 's assignment structure of project object so that can reduce repeated working .

  5. 面向超视距空战中决策支持系统的需要,建立了基于任务分解的分级递阶结构的辅助决策系统框架。

    Considering the need of decisionmaking system for beyondvisualrange air combat , we established a hierarchical aided decisionmaking architecture based on task decomposition .

  6. 该模型具体表现为一种基于资源的生产计划(任务)树型分解结构,根据企业资源的层次结构对生产计划自顶向下分解,不同的层次对应不同的任务粒度。

    The model is specifically expressed in a resource-based tree structure decomposition of production planning ( task ), decomposing the production planning top-down according to the hierarchy of corporate resources . In the model , different decomposition level corresponds to different granularity of production task .