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  1. 建立会计人员任职回避制度浅探

    Talk about the Establishment of Tenure of Office Dodge System for Accounting Staff

  2. 清代任职回避制度的历史社会学分析

    An Analysis from the Social Relationships Visual Angle : the Assignment Evasion System in Qing Dynasty

  3. 本文将从以下几个部分对该制度进行阐述:第一部分,作者从指导思想、政治体制、法律移植三个方面阐述清朝文官任职回避制度形成的时代成因;

    This article will elaborate the system in the following parts : In the first part , the author will describe the historical reasons of civil official-blenching system in Qing Dynasty from three respects : directed ideas 、 political system and law transferring .

  4. 宋代路级监察官员的选任条件严格,路级监察官员不仅要求具备良好的政治条件、相关的资序条件,而且还要遵守任职回避制度,对于选任的方式也有明确的规定。

    Officials The Song dynasty the selection of supervisory official level Lu , Lu condition of supervisory official level strictly required not only have good political conditions , relevant information , but also to keep order conditions , avoiding system for retaining post the way also have clear rules .

  5. 基层官员任职地域回避制度是我国古代的政治智慧。

    Regional evasion system of holding post for grass-roots officials is the political wisdom in ancient Chi-na .

  6. 论清前期官员任职的地方回避制度

    On The System Of Avoidance Applied To The Local Administrative Hierarchy In The Early Qing Period