
  • 网络avoidance relationship
  1. 薪酬管制作为转型经济中的一种现象,自始至终无法回避政企关系、特别是地方政府与地方国有企业之间关系这一重要问题。

    As a phenomenon of remuneration regulation transition economies , government-enterprise relations can not be avoided , especially the important relationship between local government and local state-owned enterprises .

  2. 因此在中国大学生第二语言习得的过程中,回避使用关系从句的现象普遍存在,这也是困扰着众多国内英语教学者的难题。

    So the avoidance of using relative clauses by Chinese learners is pervasive in their second language acquisition ( SLA ) process , which greatly puzzles many Chinese English educators .

  3. 他说,自打记事以来,他一直都有种消极感和挫败感,孤僻内向。他经常挣扎在嫉妒和愤怒感中,为保护自己免受这些感觉困扰,他会刻意回避恋爱关系。

    For as long as he could remember , he says , he had felt negative , frustrated and ' drawn inward . ' Often he struggled with feelings of jealousy and anger , and he avoided romantic relationships to protect himself from these feelings .

  4. 教学论的研究一直不能回避师生关系这个问题,而当我们在讨论师生关系的时候,教师的学生观又变成了下位的,但却是必须的,无法绕开的话题。

    The study of Teaching Theory can not be able to avoid discussing on teacher-student relationship , Yet , when we are discussing on teacher-student relationship , the students view come from teachers has become a more subordinate , But the topic which is necessary to discuss .

  5. 它已变成一种回避真实情感关系和亲密行为的方式。

    It has become a way of avoiding real relationships and intimacy .

  6. 此外,有关二语或外语学习者是否回避使用英语关系从句的争论一直没有停止过。

    Moreover , the discussion about whether ESL or EFL learners avoid using English relative clauses never ceases .

  7. 我国依法行政必须善于应对国际冲突和国际互动(合作)这样一种无可回避的国际关系局面;

    The administration by law must be made capable of handling such inevitable situations in international relationship as international conflicts and interaction ( cooperation );

  8. 对日本女性而言,日本的法律和社会规则使女性难以兼顾家庭和事业,所以她们往往回避建立恋爱关系。

    Japanese women , for their part , often avoid romantic relationships because Japanese laws and social norms can make it extremely difficult for women to have both a family and a career .

  9. 本论文通过研究中国大学生在在英语关系从句产出时的回避现象,探究了回避使用英语关系从句与分类标记性的关系。

    This paper attempts to investigate the avoidance that occurred in Chinese college students ' production of English relative clauses and to explore the relationship between the avoidance phenomenon and typological markedness .