
xínɡ zhènɡ lì fǎ quán
  • administrative legislation power
  1. 因此,行政立法权的范围应当受到议会立法的严格限制。

    Therefore , the scope of administrative legislative power should be severely limited by parliament legislation .

  2. 根据宪法和法律,我国的许多地方政府都拥有一定的行政立法权。

    According to the constitution and the laws , local governments in China have certain administrative legislative power .

  3. 但中国现有的行政立法权的配置模式,给行政立法权的滥用提供了极大的诱惑;

    However the disposition mode of administrative legislative power in China today provides great temptation for the abuse of administrative power .

  4. 国务院国有资产管理机构作为三级代表人具体负责国有资本运营权责,除行政立法权应由国务院直接行使外,监督、收益分配和处置权限由这一职能部门具体实施。

    The State-owned asset management agencies working as the third-class representative are in charge of directly supervision , distribution of income , disposal of ownership .

  5. 经过大量的理论探索与法治实践,公众参与已经成为了域外很多国家有效控制行政立法权滥用、弥补其合法性欠缺的重要手段。

    Through lots of theoretical explorations and practices , the public participation has become the important mean of controlling the administrative legislative power effectively and making up for lack of legitimacy .

  6. 行政立法动议权问题研究

    On Administration 's Legislative Motion Right

  7. 第十七条香港特别行政区享有立法权。

    Article 17 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be vested with legislative power .

  8. 中央通过不同的方式对特别行政区行使立法权,保留对自治范围内事务的监督权。

    The Central Government of the PRC exercises the legislative power through various means within the autonomous regions and retains the supervisory right over the affairs within the autonomous regions .

  9. 此外,还授予了行政机关大量的立法权,加剧了自由裁量权的滥用现象。

    Moreover , a great amount of legislative power is given to administrative bodies , which aggravate the abuse of free discretionary administrative power .

  10. 许多国家都采纳了前者,但美国是行政、立法与司法权分离的最积极拥护者。

    The first has been adopted by many countries but the separation of executive , legislature and judiciary has been espoused most zealously by the US .

  11. 西方国家宪政的历史,就是借助于建立对各种国家权力不论是对行政权,还是立法权有法律约束力的限制制度的历史。

    The history of the establishment of the constitutionalism in the West is the history of regulating the state power , be it executive or legislative .

  12. 香港特区享有基本法赋予的高度自治权,包括行政管理权、立法权、独立的司法和终审权

    The HKSAR enjoys a high degree of autonomy as provided for by the Basic law , which embodies the executive , legislative and independent judicial power , including that of final adjudication

  13. 为有效地控制行政机关的行政立法权,各国普遍采用议会授权立法控制、司法违宪审查控制的方式。

    To have effective control over administrative power of lawmaking by administrative organs , the way that parliament authorizes the control of legislation and judicial unconstitutional ' inspection is used in many countries .

  14. 历史大潮中的逆流&《加强台湾安全法案》再审视它拥有在台湾的行政管理权、立法权、独立的司法权和终审权;

    An Adverse Current against Historical Trends & Reflectives on Taiwan Security Enhancement Act It will have its own administrative and legislative powers , an independent judiciary and the right of adjudication on the island .

  15. 行政权是相对于立法权、司法权最为活跃的权力,在我国的权力体系下,对其进行有效的规制无疑具有重大的实践意义。

    Comparing with the legislative power and judicial power , executive power is the most aggressive one within the system of power . Considering the status quo , the supervision of executive power is of great significance .

  16. 第二个阶段从内战后重建到工业化时期,中央行政权力在与立法权的斗争中逐步扩张,开始成为国家的象征和国家权力的集中代表。

    The second phase , lasting from the post-war Reconstruction to the industrialization period , witnessed the central executive power expanding in its struggle against the legislative power , starting to become the symbol of the country and the concentrated representation of the national power .

  17. 谈我国地方行政机关的军事行政立法权

    On Military Administrative Legislative Power of Local Administrative Authorities

  18. 行政立法是指享有行政立法权的国家行政机关依照法律规定的权限和程序制定具有普遍约束力的行为规则的活动。

    Administrative legislation refers to the making of behavior rules that are universally binding , according to legal authority and procedure , by the State Administrative Organs , which have the administrative authority .

  19. 但在我国当前的政治体制之中,行政部门拥有广泛的行政立法权,并对经济社会及公民权益产生重大影响,现行政治体制之下对行政立法的监督也具有很大局限性。

    Urgent Supervision is badly needed to current administrative legislation due to the status quo of political system in China which administrative organs empowered with wide extensive power of administrative legislation resulting into great impact to economic society and rights and interests of citizens .

  20. 澳门特别行政区依法享有行政管理权、立法权、独立的司法权和终审权。

    The Maocao Special Administrative Region will , in accordance with the law , be vested with executive , legislative and independent judicial power , including that of final adjudication .

  21. 公众参与原则要求确认和完善公众的环境知情权、环境行政执法参与权、环境行政立法参与权。

    The public participation principle demands to confirm and perfect the public 's right of being in know , the right to participate in the administrative law enforcement and the right to participate in environmental administrative legislation .

  22. 就其性质而言,行政立法是委任立法。因此,行政立法权的范围应当受到议会立法的严格限制。

    As for the nature , administrative legislation is a sort of legislation under delegation ; therefore , the scope of administrative legislative power should be severely limited by parliament legislation .

  23. 但是行政立法是一把双刃剑,随着行政立法权的不断扩张,实践中它也带来了诸多问题,侵害公民合法权益的现象时有发生。

    But the administrative legislation was a two-edged sword . With the continuous expansion of the administrative legislative power , it has brought many problems in practice and the phenomenon of infringing on the lawful rights and interests of citizens has occurred from time to time .