
  1. 会计信息失真是当今社会讨论的一个热点问题。

    Nowadays the accountancy information distortion has become a focal point in this society .

  2. 大学生消费问题一直是媒体报道和社会讨论的热点。

    College students ' consumption issues are having been hot spots in media reports and social discussions .

  3. 中国大众文化的价值评价及发展方向成为社会讨论的热点之一。

    The evaluation of the mass culture and its developing direction become a hot issue in discussion .

  4. 近几十年来,气候变化问题日益成为国际社会讨论的焦点。

    In recent decades , the issue of global climate change is increasingly becoming the focus of international community .

  5. 近年来,国际社会讨论、批判和抵制新自由主义尤其是华盛顿共识的潮流不断高涨。

    In recent years , a great tide of discussing , reproaching and resisting neo-liberalism rose among international communities .

  6. 城市边缘群体一直是社会讨论的焦点、热点、难点。

    The urban fringe community is always the focus , the hot spot , the difficulty , which the society discusses .

  7. 他立足于现代社会讨论教育问题,积极吸收人类文化精华。

    He absorbed the achievement of human culture and managed to solve the educational problems based on the reality of modern society .

  8. 近年来,民间借贷活动异常活跃,民间借贷问题成为金融界乃至全社会讨论的热门话题。

    In recent years , very active non-governmental lending , private lending financial sector and the whole issue has become a hot topic for discussion within the community .

  9. 贸易与环境,是近十年来国际社会讨论的热点问题,也是世界贸易组织目前面对的一个重要课题。

    The theme concerning the relationship between trade and environment has been a hot topic discussed globally as well as a challenging issue in WTO in recent 10 years .

  10. 自加入世界贸易组织以来,知识产权问题成为我国社会讨论的热点,也是我国法学界关注的焦点之一。

    Since we joined the World Trade Organization , the issue on intellectual property rights has become a hot topic in our society and one of the academic focuses of attention .

  11. 今年年初国务院公布实施了《国有土地上房屋征收与补偿条例》,房屋征收成为社会讨论的热点。

    Earlier this year , the State Council promulgated the regulation on Expropriation & Compensation on the Houses Which Are Built on State-owned Land . Housing expropriation thus becomes a hot topic .

  12. 即使是在国际环境里似乎一直以来被看作养老金领域安全避风港的荷兰也将不能够避免在这个话题上的广泛的社会讨论。

    Not even the Netherlands , which in an international context seemed for so long to be a safe haven in the field of pensions , will be unable to avoid a broad social debate on this topic .

  13. 这场社会大讨论忽视掉了一些重要的方面。

    A few important points are being left out of the discussion .

  14. 全球化背景下个人同一性的社会学讨论

    Personal Identity in the Globalization Setting : A Sociological Approach

  15. 转型期国家妇女的经济和社会权利讨论会;

    Seminar on the economic and social rights of women in countries in transition ;

  16. 关于科举社会流动讨论中的几个问题(概述)

    On Some Issues about Social Mobility in the Imperial Society ( A General Account );

  17. 审查尚存的非自治领土的政治、经济和社会状况讨论会

    Seminar to Review the Political , Economic and Social Conditions in the Remaining Non-Self - Governing Territories

  18. 课题研究模式的实施过程包括开题阶段、实施阶段和结题阶段。问题探讨模式包括时政热点评论、社会焦点讨论、案例教学、大脑风暴法、模拟法庭等形式。

    Subject study model includes discussions on hot issues , case study , brainstorming and moot court , etc.

  19. 关于住宅市场价格,房地产价格泡沫等的问题引起了学术界乃至整个社会的讨论。

    On the residential market , real estate price bubble due to problems such as the academia and the whole community discussion .

  20. 片子的意图并非针对此事件引起更多辩论,而是希望提出舞蹈作为一种语言形式在社会问题讨论中的呈现意义。

    The intention here is not necessarily to make further comments on the issue but to propose dance as a plausible voice in social debate .

  21. 21世纪,在现代化进程中,传统文化的传承转型与文化遗产的保护利用是社会各界讨论最多的话题之一。

    The 21st century , in the process of modernization , transformation of the traditional cultural heritage and protection , utilization of cultural heritage , is one of the most discussed topics .

  22. 这可能会发生在研究人员对编辑基因的后果足够了解之前,发生在他们知道如何安全编辑基因之前,甚至发生在社会能够讨论这些操作是否被接受之前。

    This could happen well before researchers know enough about the consequences of editing genes , before they know how to edit safely and before society can debate if such procedures are even acceptable .

  23. 同样注重身体象征意味的草台班,仍契而不舍地进行直接的社会议题讨论,这次将推出新戏《小社会第二卷》。

    Grass Stage , with an equal emphasis on the significance of body , persists in direct debates on social issues , bringing out The Little Society , Volume Two , a new play .

  24. 一直以来,行政垄断都是社会各界讨论的一个热点问题,现实生活中的行政垄断行为也比比皆是,且具有极大的社会危害性,已成为市场经济发展的重大阻碍。

    Administrative monopoly has always been a hot issue and can be seen everywhere in daily lives . Administrative monopoly does seriously harm to the society and has become the obstacle of market economic development .

  25. 当前,房地产宏观调控、经济适用房、住房结构、房地产泡沫、房价居高不下等等关于房地产的关键词都成了社会民众讨论的热点,这些问题也与我们的生活是息息相关的。

    In recent years , key words concerning with real estate such as Real Estate Macro-control , Affordable Housing , Housing Structure , Real Estate Bubble , Housing Price become social hot problems , which are also Closely related to our life .

  26. 自1998年亚洲金融危机以来,财政风险问题日益受到理论界和实际工作部门的广泛关注,成为社会各界讨论研究的热点。

    Since the Asia financial crisis in 1998 , the question of the financial risks has become a focus for discussion and study of all circles of society , and attention has been increasingly paid by the theoretical circles and practical working departments .

  27. 传统的社会学讨论过分关注所谓科学共同体成员的精神特质及其社会角色,对于共同体个体的自我发展及作为社会组织系组成部分的科学共同体的组织建构关注不足。

    The traditional sociological discussion made us concern so much about the so-called scientist psychological characters and their social roles that we have ignored the self-development of scientist and the organizational building of scientific community which as a part of social organizational system .

  28. 由保监会网站上的数据来看,偿付能力不足的保险公司约占保险公司总数的11.7%,保险偿付能力再次成为社会各界讨论的热点问题。

    According to the data from the China Insurance Regulatory Commission Web site terms , the insufficient solvency of insurance companies account for about 11.7 % of the total number of insurance companies , the Insurance Solvency become a hot issue to discuss community once again .

  29. 结合GIS知识体系结构、专业特点和社会需求,讨论了GIS专业实践教学体系的基本框架及其依托。

    According to the characteristics and social needs , we discussed the basic framework and its prop of GIS specialty 's practical teaching system .

  30. 第二章就从洛可可风格产生前的社会背景进行讨论。

    Chapter two discusses the background of the society before the rococo appears .