
  1. 贷款损失拨备作为商业银行防范预期风险的一道屏障,是银行基于贷款资产未来可能的损失而从利润或收入中提取的缓冲准备金,主要用于弥补到期不能收回的贷款损失。

    Loan loss provision as a barrier for commercial banks to prevent the expected risk is extracted from the profits or income , which is mainly used to make up for the expected losses .

  2. 我相信到期时可以收回我的钱。

    I rely on getting my money back in due time .

  3. 债券吸引人的一大特点是让投资者有一笔有固定的收入,到期时能收回借出的资金。

    A major appeal of investing in bonds is that they provide investors with a steady stream of income and guarantee the repayment of the loan in full at maturity .

  4. 如果债券持有者想在债券到期之前把钱收回,他可以把它卖给别人。

    Should the holder of the bond wish to get back his money before the note is due , the bond may be sold to someone else .

  5. 这样,美联储就可以稳坐钓鱼台,一边让这些证券生息,一边等着它们到期,在到期后按面额收回全部资金。

    That way , it can sit there , collect interest on the securities , wait for them to mature , and collect their full face value when that happens .

  6. 在规定的到期日之前即由债务人宣布到期的可收回债券。

    Callable bond which the debtor has declared to be due prior to maturity .