
  • 网络ratio legis
  1. 在其背后必定还存在着更为深刻的立法理由,有其存在的合理性。

    In its must still exist more profound reasons , the legislation of rationality .

  2. 这不仅使典权立法理由显得单薄,而且不利于典权制度的进一步改造与发展。

    This is unfavorable to further transformation and development of the institution of pawning right .

  3. 紧接着,从多维视角对我国产品责任惩罚性赔偿制度的立法理由进行分析,在为我国产品责任惩罚性赔偿制度的立法确立提供正当性依据的同时,为下文的评析与完善提供启示。

    Then , the legislative reasons of the system of product liability punitive damages in our country are analyzed from multi-dimensional perspectives .

  4. 第四部分初步提出了我国第三人故意侵害合同债权制度的条文设计和立法理由,并指出了第三人故意侵害合同债权制度的适用范围和免责条件。

    The fourth part proposed the article design and the legislation reason of our country 's tort law protection of contract creditor 's rights .

  5. 第二个问题论述了保险代位求偿权的本质,也即保险代位权是基于什么样的立法理由而存在的。

    Secondly , look from the fundamental principle of the insurance law , principle of indemnity is core foundation of the right of insurance subrogation .

  6. 首先,对有代表性的几个国家的产品概念进行了概括性介绍,并重点阐述了我国法律关于产品范围的规定及其立法理由;

    Firstly , the paper introduces the concept of product in some representative countries briefly and emphatically explains the legal stipulation of the product scope and the legal reasons in our country .

  7. 第四章对强制要约收购制度的立法理由、制度价值、立法模式以及基本规则进行了阐述,对我国的强制要约收购制度进行了反思并提出完善措施。

    Chapter ⅳ After expounding the legislative reasons , institutive values , legislative model and basic rules of compelling offer acquisition , it make reflections about Chinese compelling offer acquisition and give some measures perfecting about Chinese compelling offer acquisition .

  8. 首先分析了英美法系国家之所以确定传闻证据规则主要是因为传闻证据潜在的不真实性,列举了英美法系确定传闻证据规则的主要立法理由。

    First , I analyze that the common law system countries determine the hearsay evidence rule , is mainly because of potential untruth of the hearsay evidence , and then list the main reasons of legislation to determine the rule of hearsay evidence .

  9. 强调法官的情境感悟,主张灵活解释法律,关注规则背后的立法理由,坚持对规则的适用不得超出规范目的,是这一理论的核心思想。

    To stress the judge 's situation sense , urge a liberal interpretation of law , pay attention to the reason underlying a rule and insist the application of a rule be within its range of reason are the main elements of the theory .

  10. 民诉法《修改建议稿(第三稿)及立法理由》对自认制度的立法建议颇有裨益,但亦有值得商榷之处。

    The legislative proposal of " Draft Amendment ( the third version ) and Legislative Grounds for Civil Procedure Law of the People 's Republic of China " is of great benefit for it , but there still exist some issues which are open to discussion .

  11. 而反对和解制度纳入行政诉讼立法之中的理由主要是行政公权力的不可处分性。

    And the against reconciliation system into the administrative litigation legislation think that reason mainly is not sanction of administrative public power gender .

  12. 最高法院因此在历史上第一次宣布国会的立法无效,理由是过度宽泛地授予了立法权。

    Accordingly , for the first time in its history , the Supreme Court struck down an Act of Congress as an overly broad delegation of legislative power .

  13. 包括法条设计、立法说明及立法理由。

    Including design articles , legislative instructions and legislative reasons .

  14. “无传播则无财产权”的知识产权是社会公众学习权、信息自由权的“成本”,其立法需要特别的理由;

    Intellectual property , known as ' no property without spread ' , is the cost of the public learning and information freedom .

  15. 对于涉及到如何量刑这一重要司法实践指引的自首制度,在其身后,更有着深刻的立法价值及立法理由。

    Turned himself in for sentencing this important judicial practice guidelines related to how the system , in its wake , but there are even more profound legislative value and legislative reasons .

  16. 其实任何法律的制定,在其背后都有立法的价值取向和立法理由支配着法律的走向和取舍。

    In fact , the formulation of any legal value orientation and legislative reasons behind legislation to govern legal trends and trade-offs .

  17. 最后介绍了我国台湾地区立法模式之选择及立法理由。第三章分析了我国引进衡平居次原则的必要性。

    Finally , the choice of legislative form , as well as reasons related , in our Taiwan District will be introduced specifically . Chapter ⅲ analyses the necessity and feasibility of introducing the equitable subordination doctrine into China .

  18. 从外国立法先例、立法的目的和理由以及隐私权的性质和特征,论证隐私权与名誉权不同,只有公民才是隐私权的主体;

    On the respects of overseas precedents of legislature , the purposes and reasons of legislature as well as the nature and characteristics concerning the privacy right , this paper also demonstrates that only citizens are the subjects of the privacy right .

  19. 为确保公众参与的实效性,在程序设计时还必须关注立法草案的公布制度、立法主体的理由说明制度和立法审查的责任机制。

    Moreover , in order to make public participation effective , China should pay attention to the institutional practice of legislation draft announcement , the elucidation of the rulemaking corpus and the inspection of the rulemaking mechanism .

  20. 罢工权立法中存在的诸多问题不是反对立法的理由而是要攻克的难题。

    The various problems of legislation are not the causes that the legislation is objected , but rather , the tasks that should be tackled in the legislation .

  21. 为了解决冲突,必须大胆革新现行立法,作者建议,结合船舶优先权的立法理由对基金的分配顺序进行调整,同时,船舶优先权的行使应当采用次序固定主义。

    I suggest that the legislator regulate the order of the fund 's distribution afresh according to the legislative reason of the maritime lien system , and at the same time , exertion of maritime lien adopt order fixation doctrine .

  22. 第四部分中,在对立法提出建议的同时,并就相关立法建议的理由进行了简单的说明。

    At the same time , the article has given the reasons of Legislative proposals .

  23. 那么刑法立法模式的影响因素有哪些,刑法立法模式的类型都包括哪些,有什么优缺点以及我国选择修正案立法模式的理由以及弊端,都是值得我们理解和研究的。

    So what is the influence factors of criminal law legislation mode , What kind of type is criminal law legislation mode , What are the advantages and disadvantages . Reasons to choose amendment legislation pattern in China as well as disadvantages .