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  1. 我很抱歉这案没能立成。

    I 'm sorry the case didn 't make .

  2. 可能是立成感冒。

    It might be instamatic flu .

  3. 立成陶瓷有限公司系一家专业从事陶瓷卫生洁具开发,设计制造为一体的企业。

    Licheng Ceramic Co. , Ltd is an enterprise integrated with development , design and manufacture of ceramic sanitary wares .

  4. 立成表是古历中推算日、月、五星运动时,为简化计算所造的表。

    Li Cheng Biao ( ready reference astronomical table ) in ancient calendars was made in order to simplify the calculation of the motion of the sun , the moon and the five planets .

  5. 一直向大水走去,看啊,水便分开,红海成了干地,约旦河立起成垒;不要惧怕,神自会带领你进入胜利的。

    March straight through the flood , and lo , the waters will divide , the Red Sea will open , the Jordan will part , and the Lord will lead you through to victory .

  6. 目前,我国烟叶生产正处于一个传统农业生产模式将动未破、现代农业模式将立未成的阶段。

    At present , our country leaf tobacco production will be being in a traditional farming production pattern to move the stage which broken , the modern agriculture pattern will not have stood has not become .

  7. 等到抬普天下主耶和华约柜的祭司把脚站在约旦河水里,约旦河的水,就是从上往下流的水,必然断绝,立起成垒。

    And as soon as the priests who carry the ark of the LORD the Lord of all the earth set foot in the Jordan , its waters flowing downstream will be cut off and stand up in a heap .

  8. 那从上往下流的水,便在极远之地,撒拉但旁的亚当城那里停住,立起成垒;那往亚拉巴的海,就是盐海,下流的水全然断绝。

    The water from upstream stopped flowing . It piled up in a heap a great distance away , at a town called Adam in the vicinity of Zarethan , while the water flowing down to the sea of the Arabah ( the salt sea ) was completely cut off .

  9. 希西家的考验,是来自亚述王西拿基立,他成了撒但的工具。

    In Hezekiah 's case , Sennacherib , king of Assyria was the tool used .

  10. 趣或趣味是因人的好奇心为一定事物所激活而产生的快乐;儒家立于礼,成于乐,道家大美无言都十分注重精神在艺术形式中的超越。

    Confucianist standing in courtesy and Taoist success in delight shows they pay more attention to the transcendency of spirits in the artistic form .