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rèn rén
  • let people
  • let people
  • appoint;give sb. a post;allow;let
任人 [rèn rén]
  • (1) [appoint;give sb. a post]∶任用、使用人

  • (2) [allow;let]∶听任、听凭别人

  1. 公开展览,任人参观。

    An open exhibition , free to all visitors .

  2. UBS的一个分析师AlastairRyan说:规则已经变成了自助餐,可以任人去用。

    Alastair Ryan , an analyst at UBS , says the rules have become a " smorgasbord " and that " everyone is arbitraging " them .

  3. Blaine最为人所瞩目的表演是在躺在一副玻璃棺中长达24小时,并放置于纽约的一座大楼前,任人观看。

    Blaine 's most noted work includes his'premature burial'where he lay in a glass coffin in front of a New York office building for people to watch him , 24 hours a day .

  4. 任人惟贤是以德治国的重要条件;

    Third , appoint people by merit is the important condition ;

  5. 他们会任人嘲笑。

    They have to bear the jeer by other guys .

  6. 牛儿任人捆缚宰割从来不知原因为何。

    Calves are easily bound and slaughtered Never knowing the reason why .

  7. 任人侮辱的时代该结束了。

    It 's time to stop turning the other cheek .

  8. 拟任人身份证件复印件;

    Photocopy of ID card of personnel to be nominated ;

  9. 长点骨气吧别老这麽忍着任人践踏!

    Stand up for yourself a bit don 't is such a doormat !

  10. 这本书现在可以任人自由印行了。

    The book is now in the public domain .

  11. 不管你是谁,我不会任人勒索。

    Whoever you are , I don 't take kindly to being blackmailed .

  12. 我不是一只任人宰割的羔羊。

    I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my shepherd .

  13. 你打算把我们全都交出去任人杀掉

    So you were gonna just hand us all over to be killed ?

  14. 他们在机场不得不任人彻底搜身。

    They had to submit to a thorough body search at the airport .

  15. 历史是个小姑娘,任人梳妆打扮。

    History is a little girl , dressed and made up by people .

  16. 你觉得我是任人踢的球吗?

    You think I 'm a soccer ball to get my ass kicked ?

  17. 但你就是那种任人随意摆布的木偶。

    Yet you 're this pop bubblegum sensation .

  18. 有人说狗任人挑选,猫却挑选主人。

    People say that you choose a dog , but the cat chooses you .

  19. 黄莺儿是一个任人欣赏的艾勒维奥。

    The nightingale is a gratuitous elleviou .

  20. 刚才却坐视我任人宰割?

    Then leave me to be butchered ?

  21. 自从她选美获胜后,她就像活在金鱼缸中,任人参观,毫无隐私。

    She has been living in a goldfish bowl since she won the beauty contest .

  22. 如果是你父亲绝不会这样任人愚弄。

    Hey . Your father would never have allowed himself to be foolded like that .

  23. 它已变得毫无价值,只得弃于户外,任人随意践踏。

    It has become worthless , so it is thrown out and people trample on it .

  24. 法兰西学院任人把院士拿破仑·波拿巴从它的名册上除名。

    The Institute had the academician , Napoleon Bonaparte , stricken from its list of members .

  25. 我喜欢企业的一个原因是这很大程度上是个任人唯才的领域。

    One of the reasons I like enterprise is that it is largely a meritocratic sphere .

  26. 每名委员须留任至选出继任人为止,连选均得连任。

    Each member shall hold office until his successor is elected and shall be eligible for re-election .

  27. 我开始视自己为专业人员,而不再任人利用。

    I began to see myself as a professional instead of someone to be taken advantage of .

  28. 当我走进叶尔逊夫人的二年级教室,我就开始任人宰割了。

    The minute I walked into Mrs. Yelson 's second grade classroom , I was dead meat .

  29. 如果这个问题不解决,中国黄金工业就只有任人宰割的份了。

    If these can not be solved , China 's gold industry would be at other 's disposal .

  30. 中国人民从此摆脱了受人摆布,任人宰割的命运。

    The Chinese people henceforth got rid have been organized the human , allow to oppressed 's destiny .