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luàn mín
  • rioters;rebels;mobsters
  • incite to riot
  • mob
乱民 [luàn mín]
  • [mob; rebels] 旧指反叛当权者的百姓

  1. 统治者应该首先分析产生乱世、乱民的根源,然后有的放矢,对症下药。

    The ruler should analyze the source of the creation chaotic , rebels first , then have of put shoot , prescribe medicine for specific ailment .

  2. 白种的乱民以私刑处死黑人。

    The black man was lynched by the white mob .

  3. 乱民拥立他为皇帝。

    The mob acclaimed him emperor .

  4. 雅典便是暴民政治,穷棒子建立了荷兰,群氓曾不止一次拯救了罗马,乱民跟随着耶稣基督。

    Athens was an ochlocracy ; the beggars were the making of Holland ; the populace saved Rome more than once ; and the rabble followed Jesus Christ .