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tān zāng
  • Corruption;take bribes;accept bribes;practise graft
贪赃 [tān zāng]
  • [take bribes;practise graft] 旧指官吏受贿

  • 他由于贪赃而入狱

贪赃[tān zāng]
  1. 他因贪赃受贿而被科处重刑。

    He was sentenced to serious punishment because of accepting bribes .

  2. 论元代官场贪赃盛行的原因

    On the Reasons of Prevailing Bribe-taking in Yuan Dynasty

  3. 中国古代惩治贪赃罪的刑法制度探析

    Legal System to Punish Bribery in Ancient China

  4. 他手下有一个主簿(掌管文书事务的官员),也同样的贪赃,经常为王鲁的行为出谋划策。

    One of his secretaries was equally corrupt , and often schemed for Wang Lu 's deeds .

  5. 已经庄严宣布:宣判她的法官是贪赃、舞弊、欺诈、恶毒&四大虚妄之罪,样样俱全。

    It is solemnly declared that her judges were full of corruption , cozenage , fraud , and malice .

  6. 其立法思想旨在以较为丰厚的廪禄且辅以重典的双重作用下,减少乃至杜绝宋朝吏员在执行公务过程中贪赃行为的发生。

    The legislative intention was to reduce , even eradicate the officials ′ corruption by means of a dual deal-fat salary and severe punishment .

  7. 如果这种违法行为是出于陷害、报复、贪赃或者其他个人目的,应当追究刑事责任。

    Where such unlawful action has been taken for the purpose of frame-up , retaliation , taking bribes or other personal aims , criminal responsibility shall be investigated .

  8. 唐律赃罪具有明显的现代价值,表现在:立法严密,使一切贪赃腐败分子无法律漏洞可钻;

    The modern significance of this law of the Tang Dynasty lies in the following aspects : First strict legislation must be established without any loopholes for embezzling actions ;

  9. 贪赃盛行是元代政治的一个重要特征。造成这种状况的原因主要有四:一、选法败坏,用人不当;

    Prevailing bribe-taking is one important characteristics of Yuan Dynasty ′ s politics which caused by the following reasons : failure of the election system and employing inappropriate person ;