- corrupt practice;act of embezzling

Corrupt business practices that were finally brought into the daylight .
The absence of severe punitive measures for corrupt behaviour ;
The company went under because of the corrupt practices of its manager .
Chicago , 1929.More than half the city 's cops are on the take .
In this country , corrupt practices are allowed , though not officially permitted .
Those who cheat on their expenses will find it harder to rationalise their corruption .
Mayor Sharpe James of Newark and Milton Milan of Camden also were charged and convicted of corruption .
Corruption is common in the world , its hurt public property ownership and infringement of their integrity .
Apart from bribery , the Czech criminal procedure code includes several criminal offences which also cover corrupt behaviour .
Figures from Gallup , a pollster , reveal just how widespread such corruption is ( see chart ) .
In computer security , especially specifies embezzlement with the aim of or directly using a computer and / or network .
The new Israeli foreign minister has been accused of corruption and is criticised on a comment he made about the Israeli-Palestinian peace process .
The new political class has presided over an explosion in corrupt practices , bordering on the open plunder of the state 's resources .
All these ordinances , codes of practice and rules are aimed to defeat theft , fraud , deception and corruption which will contaminate the stock market .
Moreover , the company has spent more than $ 150m on an internal investigation of alleged corruption among sales representatives in China and Latin America . Several have been dismissed .
" approprite " , as one of patterns of corruption , belongs to " Act Commssion " , namely , crime of corruption can be committed in form of Act Commission .
From the beginning , you can see the corruption in his administration and when you bring it to his attention , he would turn a blind eye to it , he would do nothing about it .
Tainted with the charges of corruption , he has lost his halo .
The Tang law punishing the behave of embezzlement and bribery crimes ' modern meaning
The official Xinhua news agency said collective equipment purchasing , which would be organised by provincial-level governments , represented an attack on corruption and bribe - taking .
Using legal means to curb corruption especially bribery act became law and practice circles to discuss the topic , in which the subject of bribery crime is defined in criminal law theory and judicial practice controversial issue .
Newspapers such as the NOTW once prided themselves on exposing corruption and hypocrisy and shaming wrongdoers .
It is always better to prevent corruption and improper conduct than to initiate prosecution later on .
And enlarge the scope of the crime of money laundering , making the laundering of corruption and bribery included in it ;
It 's necessary to carry on systematic research into their corruption and violence , because the conclusions were judged and few people had ever studied it .
It 's t that the defect of system and disintegrating of social right structure due to the corruption and violence of the administrative personnel , except their evil quality .
RBS followed a long list of foreign banks that have invested billions of dollars in China 's largest lenders , which , until recently , were saddled with huge bad debts and suffered from widespread internal corruption and fraud .
The light punishment of the crime of corruption and bribery refers to the trend of the judiciary to impose criminal penalties for acts of corruption and bribery , to impose a lighter sentence on the defendant .
But after the disgrace and sacking of the railways minister and a series of other corruption investigations , the construction of the system itself may be shunted onto the slow track .
The special provision of the accomplice of the crime of embezzlement does good to determining the crime of embezzlement of the behaviors of state functionary , but there also exits the disadvantage of unbalance between light crimes and serious crimes .