
tān wū xínɡ wéi
  • corrupt practice;act of embezzling
  1. 最终导致曝光的商业贪污行为。

    Corrupt business practices that were finally brought into the daylight .

  2. 对贪污行为没有严厉惩罚;

    The absence of severe punitive measures for corrupt behaviour ;

  3. 由于经理的贪污行为,这家公司倒闭了。

    The company went under because of the corrupt practices of its manager .

  4. 1929年,芝加哥,过半数的市警察局警员有贪污行为

    Chicago , 1929.More than half the city 's cops are on the take .

  5. 这个国家对贪污行为听之任之,尽管正式法律上不被允许。

    In this country , corrupt practices are allowed , though not officially permitted .

  6. 那些在报销上作假的员工将发现更加难以为自己的贪污行为寻找借口。

    Those who cheat on their expenses will find it harder to rationalise their corruption .

  7. 纽瓦克市的夏普·詹姆斯和卡姆登市的米尔顿·米兰都都曾因贪污行为被指控和定罪。

    Mayor Sharpe James of Newark and Milton Milan of Camden also were charged and convicted of corruption .

  8. 贪污行为是世界各国普遍存在的顽疾,其行为损害了公共财物的所有权和侵犯了职务的廉洁性。

    Corruption is common in the world , its hurt public property ownership and infringement of their integrity .

  9. 除了贿赂之外,捷克的刑法程序法规还包括了几种同样包含贪污行为的犯罪。

    Apart from bribery , the Czech criminal procedure code includes several criminal offences which also cover corrupt behaviour .

  10. 民意测试专家盖洛普刚刚公布的调查数据显示,此类贪污行为范围之广泛。

    Figures from Gallup , a pollster , reveal just how widespread such corruption is ( see chart ) .

  11. 在计算机安全学中,特指利用计算机和/或网络进行的贪污行为。

    In computer security , especially specifies embezzlement with the aim of or directly using a computer and / or network .

  12. 新的以色列外长被指控有贪污行为,他对巴以和平进程所发表的一项评论也遭到了批评。

    The new Israeli foreign minister has been accused of corruption and is criticised on a comment he made about the Israeli-Palestinian peace process .

  13. 新的政治阶层负责贪污行为的爆发,对国家资源的近乎公开抢劫。

    The new political class has presided over an explosion in corrupt practices , bordering on the open plunder of the state 's resources .

  14. 上述所有条例、应用守则及规则均旨在杜绝任何会损害股市的盗窃、欺诈、讹骗及贪污行为。

    All these ordinances , codes of practice and rules are aimed to defeat theft , fraud , deception and corruption which will contaminate the stock market .

  15. 而且,公司耗资1.5亿美元对中国和拉美的销售代表中所谓的贪污行为进行调查,一些销售代表被解雇。

    Moreover , the company has spent more than $ 150m on an internal investigation of alleged corruption among sales representatives in China and Latin America . Several have been dismissed .

  16. 贪污行为方式之一的侵吞,属不作为形式,即贪污犯罪可以由不作为的形式完成。

    " approprite " , as one of patterns of corruption , belongs to " Act Commssion " , namely , crime of corruption can be committed in form of Act Commission .

  17. 从一开始,当你跟他说这些事,你能看得出他在执政时有贪污行为,他会对你视而不见,什么反应也没有。

    From the beginning , you can see the corruption in his administration and when you bring it to his attention , he would turn a blind eye to it , he would do nothing about it .

  18. 由于被指责有贪污舞弊行为,他一时威望扫地。

    Tainted with the charges of corruption , he has lost his halo .

  19. 唐律惩治贪污贿赂行为的现实意义

    The Tang law punishing the behave of embezzlement and bribery crimes ' modern meaning

  20. 官方媒体新华社称,由省级卫生行政部门负责组织的医疗设备集中采购,是对贪污受贿行为的打击。

    The official Xinhua news agency said collective equipment purchasing , which would be organised by provincial-level governments , represented an attack on corruption and bribe - taking .

  21. 用法律的手段遏制腐败行为特别是贪污贿赂行为成为法律界和实务界共同探讨之热点课题,其中受贿罪的主体界定是刑法理论和司法实践中争议较多的问题。

    Using legal means to curb corruption especially bribery act became law and practice circles to discuss the topic , in which the subject of bribery crime is defined in criminal law theory and judicial practice controversial issue .

  22. 包括《世界新闻报》在内的诸多报纸曾以揭发贪污、伪善行为并对违法者大加嘲讽而自以为傲。

    Newspapers such as the NOTW once prided themselves on exposing corruption and hypocrisy and shaming wrongdoers .

  23. 所谓防患未然,事先预防贪污及不当行为发生,远胜事后才提出检控。

    It is always better to prevent corruption and improper conduct than to initiate prosecution later on .

  24. 适当扩大洗钱罪的范围,将清洗贪污贿赂的行为纳入其中;

    And enlarge the scope of the crime of money laundering , making the laundering of corruption and bribery included in it ;

  25. 这些论断都是言论式的,鲜有人对他们的贪污与暴力行为进行过分析与论证性的研究,因此有必要对他们的贪污与暴力行为进行系统的研究。

    It 's necessary to carry on systematic research into their corruption and violence , because the conclusions were judged and few people had ever studied it .

  26. 最后,论文指出,乡保行政人员的贪污与暴力行为,除了因为他们低劣的素质外,更为重要的原因是制度的缺陷与社会权力与经济结构的瓦解。

    It 's t that the defect of system and disintegrating of social right structure due to the corruption and violence of the administrative personnel , except their evil quality .

  27. 许多外资银行都已投资于中国最大的几家银行,苏格兰皇家银行是其中一家。直至前不久,这些中国大型银行还背负着巨额坏账,而且内部贪污和诈骗行为较为普遍。

    RBS followed a long list of foreign banks that have invested billions of dollars in China 's largest lenders , which , until recently , were saddled with huge bad debts and suffered from widespread internal corruption and fraud .

  28. 贪污贿赂罪的轻刑化是指司法机关在对贪污贿赂犯罪行为实施刑事处罚时,对被告人判处较轻刑罚的趋势。

    The light punishment of the crime of corruption and bribery refers to the trend of the judiciary to impose criminal penalties for acts of corruption and bribery , to impose a lighter sentence on the defendant .

  29. 但是当铁路部长因贪污丑闻而被解除职务以及其他一系列和高铁项目有关的贪污行为调查后,高铁体系的建设本身可能进入一个缓慢的轨道。

    But after the disgrace and sacking of the railways minister and a series of other corruption investigations , the construction of the system itself may be shunted onto the slow track .

  30. 贪污共犯的特别规定,虽有利于统一认定国家工作人员的贪污犯罪行为,但也存在量刑上轻重不一致的弊端。

    The special provision of the accomplice of the crime of embezzlement does good to determining the crime of embezzlement of the behaviors of state functionary , but there also exits the disadvantage of unbalance between light crimes and serious crimes .