
zhà piàn zuì
  • Crime of fraud;crime of swindling
  1. 财产性利益是诈骗罪的对象

    The Interest of Property Is the Object of the Crime of Swindling

  2. 第八章诈骗罪的立法完善。

    The eighth chapter is the legislation perfect of crime of swindling .

  3. 她因三项诈骗罪而出庭受审。

    She appeared in court on three counts of fraud .

  4. 他被判犯有诈骗罪。

    He was convicted of fraud .

  5. 爱德华兹被控犯有诈骗罪,但却从未被定罪。

    Edwards was indicted on racketeering charges but never convicted .

  6. 传媒大亨康拉德布莱克(conradblack)上周被判诈骗罪和妨碍司法公正罪成立,从而面临10年以上监禁。

    Conrad Black , the Canada-born British peer and former owner of the daily telegraph , was last night facing more than a decade in jail after being convicted of fraud and obstruction of justice .

  7. 孟先生称,斯里瓦斯塔瓦随后被带到了警察局,因为guanghe公司认为他犯有诈骗罪。

    Mr Meng said Mr Srivastav had then been taken to a police station because Guanghe believed he was guilty of fraud .

  8. 问题是,马多夫这一引人关注的判决是否应当成为未来企业诈骗罪的参考标准。俄亥俄州法学教授道格拉斯伯曼(DouglasBerman)认为会。这位教授还专门为判决政策写博客。

    The question is whether Mr Madoff 's spectacular sentence should become the benchmark for future cases of corporate fraud , as Douglas Berman , an Ohio State law professor and blogger on sentencing policy has suggested that it will .

  9. 第五章是信用证诈骗罪量刑问题死刑问题研究。

    The fifth chapter is credit fraud death penalty research problems .

  10. 当前信用证诈骗罪司法适用若干疑难问题研究

    On Hot Problems in Judicial Application on Credit Card Defrauding Committment

  11. 二是关于合同诈骗罪的犯罪对象。

    Secondly , the targets of the crime of contract fraud .

  12. 第一部分概述保险诈骗罪。

    The first part is the summary of the insurance-swindle crime .

  13. 电子资金类诈骗罪的若干问题

    On Several Aspects of Crime of Swindling Concerning Electronic Funds

  14. 保险诈骗罪的同类客体是社会主义市场经济秩序。

    The kindred object of insurance defraud is socialist market economy order .

  15. 四是合同诈骗罪的刑罚适用。

    And last , the punishment application of contract swindles .

  16. 合同诈骗罪与民事欺诈行为的界限

    A Brief Discussion on the Limit of Contract Take-in and Civil Cheat

  17. 论合同诈骗罪及其预防

    On the Crime of Contract Fraud and How to Prevent

  18. 论合同诈骗罪及其他合同违法行为

    On Crime of Fraud by Contract and Other Illegal Activities

  19. 合同诈骗罪构成要件研究

    Study on the Constitution of the Crime of Contractual Fraud

  20. 保险诈骗罪的学理研究

    Study on theory of the swindle offence in the insurance

  21. 司法实践中诈骗罪的理解与认定

    Understanding and Asserting of the Crime of Fraud in the Judicial Practice

  22. 合同诈骗罪与非罪的研究

    On Innocence and Crime of the Crime of Contractual Fraud

  23. 《合同法》与合同诈骗罪之合同

    Contract Law and the Contract Scope of the Crime of Contractual Fraud

  24. 论金融诈骗罪的概念和构成特征

    On the Concept and Characteristics of Crime of Financial Fraud

  25. 第四部分介绍了集资诈骗罪的罪数问题。

    The fourth section describes a number of financial fraud crime problem .

  26. 第三部分对合同诈骗罪的司法认定作了分析。

    Part three analyze the judicial identification of the contractual fraud crime .

  27. 第四部分简要的提出了对信用卡诈骗罪的立法完善建议。

    The fourth part simply proposes to credit card fraud legislation proposals .

  28. 合同诈骗罪疑难问题研析

    The Study about Some Difficult Problems of the Crime on Fraudulence Contract

  29. 保险诈骗罪的客体是简单客体,不是复杂客体。

    The object of insurance defraud is simple object other than complex one .

  30. 信用卡诈骗罪罪态界限探讨

    On the Pattern of Crime of Credit Card Fraud