
zhà piàn
  • Fraud;have;defraud;swindle;cheat;do;racket;racketeering;bilk;chicanery;dupe;screw;stiff;gyp
诈骗 [zhà piàn]
  • [defraud; cheat; swindle] 狡诈诓骗

  • 诈骗钱财

诈骗[zhà piàn]
  1. 三人均被控密谋诈骗。

    All three men were charged with conspiracy to defraud .

  2. 他承认了阴谋诈骗政府的罪名。

    He pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy to defraud the government

  3. 智能卡系统是专为防止信用卡诈骗设计的。

    Chip and PIN is designed to combat credit card fraud .

  4. 新卡将保护公司免遭诈骗。

    The new card will safeguard the company against fraud .

  5. 她因三项诈骗罪而出庭受审。

    She appeared in court on three counts of fraud .

  6. 她被控诈骗钱财。

    She was accused of obtaining money under false pretences .

  7. 他们被控诈骗该公司14000元。

    They were accused of defrauding the company of $ 14 000 .

  8. 他们诈骗了他好几百元。

    They swindled him out of hundreds of dollars .

  9. 所有人都牵涉到这起诈骗勾当之中了。

    Everyone was involved in this web of deceit .

  10. 他们诈骗了他好几百元。

    They swindled hundreds of dollars out of him .

  11. 这无疑是一桩诈骗案。

    This is a clear case of fraud .

  12. 他是个精明强干的律师,能从一连串文件中找出诈骗的蛛丝马迹。

    He was a shrewd lawyer with a talent for uncovering paper trails of fraud .

  13. 他被判犯有诈骗罪。

    He was convicted of fraud .

  14. 他是反艺术诈骗专案组的重要人物。

    He is a big cheese in the Art Fraud Squad .

  15. 今天罗斯托夫被控勒索和诈骗。

    Today , Rostov stands accused of extortion and racketeering .

  16. 反诈骗调查组正在对该俱乐部进行调查。

    The club is under investigation by the fraud squad .

  17. 他因为诈骗和欺诈入狱服刑两年。

    He was jailed for two years for fraud and deception

  18. 爱德华兹被控犯有诈骗罪,但却从未被定罪。

    Edwards was indicted on racketeering charges but never convicted .

  19. 对他而言不幸的是,那些反诈骗官员也在密切注视着这个航班。

    Unluckily for him , the fraud officers were watching this flight too

  20. 诈骗犯经常会被正直守法的朋友和邻居告发。

    Fraudsters are often shopped by honest friends and neighbours .

  21. 甘利说他没有看见诈骗泛滥的证据。

    Ganley said he 'd seen no evidence of widespread fraud

  22. 他们被控诈骗了投资者几百万美元。

    They are charged with bilking investors out of millions of dollars .

  23. 他们认为自己是在参与一起保险诈骗,而不是谋杀。

    They believed they were participating in an insurance scam , not a murder

  24. 他最后很可能会因为商业诈骗而入狱。

    He 's probably going to finish up in jail for business fraud .

  25. 他们称内政部的方案是“对诈骗的纵容”。

    They described the Home Office scheme as a ' charter for cheats '

  26. 这些指控是默西赛德郡警方对诈骗案进行长期调查后提出的。

    The charges arise out of a long-running fraud enquiry by Merseyside police .

  27. 当你决定如何投资时要提防诈骗者。

    Beware the sharks when you are making up your mind how to invest .

  28. 康拉德因为诈骗钱财已经坐了一年的牢。

    Conrad had been imprisoned for a year for gaining money by false pretences .

  29. 对他的指控包括诈骗、行贿和伪造商业记录。

    The charges against him include fraud , bribery , and falsifying business records .

  30. 一名前财政大臣和五名高级公务员被指控诈骗。

    A former Finance Minister and five senior civil servants are accused of fraud .